Friday, December 31, 2010

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year that will

Dear friend I write
sung by a number of years ago
song became something of a hymn of the new year, every year
song that really speaks to the lack of freedom of speech
and barricades at the window, and other things forbidden. Not
But without hope of change.
And I would like to wake up this year without a hitch
with more sunshine and lightness
better luck with the weakest,
and not for the usual four
bastards in power with less political controversy and bullshit
future with more building
with more love and warmth.
Maybe it's just a dream like John Lennon said
but they are not alone in dreaming.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

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Recommended Danilo Ravarini

We offer an article by Pierluigi Battista published in" Future "which is the syndrome that afflicts many men see that the left always and everywhere new "fascism" on the horizon. In particular, we suggest reading Danilo Ravarini that the last issue of "Info Pd" has compiled a blacklist of characters that Italians, in his opinion, represent the worst the worst of our Italy (of course they could not miss the insults to our Prime Minister). Among these there is also Marchionne, the author, along with some trade unions leaders, a real change in trade unions and labor in general.
"... A Mirafiori reborn 'all of the tyrant." Fear of post-fascist democracy from the very beginning, to give themselves powerless in the hands of those who decide and that too, deciding too, would eventually look for a new leader too. The terror of the new 'fascism', the new "authoritarianism." That in these days takes the form of Sergio Marchionne. The new face of an old psycho-political projection. The new target of a tic of the old left, he saw and sees new 'fascism' always and everywhere. The more explicit in the approach was Giorgio Cremaschi, who read out in the Mirafiori signed by CISL and UIL (but only for him an odious and undemocratic diktat) the seeds of 'fascism', in fact. Susanna Camusso was more tenuous, but essentially within the framework of a similar complaint: "authoritarian and illiberal." Di Pietro, as usual, unaware of each lexical prudence, has produced the summary Marchionne as an example of fascist authoritarianism. " The danger of an "authoritarian drift" Marchionne combines the figures of the left who have not always shared in recent years, choices and passwords, by Sergio Cofferati to Mario Tronti, da Fausto Bertinotti a Rossana Rossanda. Sempre il fascismo alle porte, sia pur in nuove forme. La fobia del comando. Il decisionismo come vizio autoritario. Il pericolo di una «sterzata», di una «deriva», di una «svolta» come cemento emotivo per la costruzione demonizzante del nemico, vissuto ogni volta come minaccia, come rottura traumatica di una consuetudine democratica. O di un rito consociativo. O di un tavolo concertativo dove non prevale mai nessuno, e la decisione è per sua natura «condivisa». Ma è vero? Oppure è il retaggio di una sindrome molto diffusa nella cultura della sinistra che nel richiamo all’«unità antifascista» contro i nuovi tiranni ha fondato una parte critical of his way of being and thinking, even at the cost of a mental and cultural conservatism hard to die? was accused of being responsible for a new season of "fascist" even Alcide De Gasperi, when, returning from that trip to the U.S. at the dawn of the Cold War fired by the government socialists and communists for ever breaking the cohesion of the forces that had done with the Resistance. It was customary for the champions of the "new strength" whistling in ceremonies on April 25, representatives of the Christian Democrats accused of failing to stem the slide towards a new "fascism." "Fanfascista" was sarcastically branded Amintore Fanfani, expression of a vocation "authoritarian" he wanted to (vainly, as is known) to find climbing to the Quirinal formal completion. Became "authoritarian" in the eyes of the left that was recognized in the Communist Party, the Craxi creator and engine of a 'Great Reform' institutional presidentialism that had as its cornerstone. Because this was considered every model of Republic presidential golpismo pure state, authoritarian model, excess Decision is therefore para-dictatorial. Anyway, it was widespread in the culture of the left that the primary matrix of a new fascism in post-war De Gaulle was presidentialism. A paradox: a new French fascist the only important that in June of '40, in the days of France humiliated and overtaken by the Nazis, called the Anti-Hitler in the name of national dignity from his exile in London. But the paradox is the soul of the syndrome of "fascist threat" to the gates. A compulsion to repeat that offers many replicas of the same plot political and mental, while the changing circumstances and characters. The boots that Mussolini's political satire had to wear the fez Craxi became the fierce left-wing press had limestone Silvio Berlusconi in the fall of '93, even before the formal "descent into the field," the man who, quirk of history, was already in the odor of fascism for its support for the "fascist" Gianfranco Fini in the race for mayor of Rome. Berlusconi became Then the decision maker in the current mentality of the left a "fascist," "authoritarian" and "César" for its exclusive demerits and not through intermediaries. But Cossiga, in the era of its greatest fury esternatoria, was accused of using the pick to dismantle the system inherited from the resistance and pave the way for a new "authoritarian model." A syndrome, indeed. Attitude to read every break the established framework with the same distorting glasses of the past. The obsession with anti-decisions that tend dismisses as "fascist" or other "authoritarian" each no choice but to submit to the liturgy of the crippling co-decision. That's why the 'American' Sergio Marchionne is referred to as the European and Italian epithets, regardless of merit, of course, debatable, of his proposals. Decide, and then hatching in itself a disease "authoritarian." The left has often lost, because of this crippling syndrome. But the lessons of history are almost never heard .

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Leaving is a little death

It was enough for me a day off to prepare everything you need for your trip
also because it seems absolutely essential, but in fact nothing is really needed.
But in the end I managed to maximize space and now I rest
hot shower and relax because tomorrow is waiting for me ... I have to go up early one morning. What
fatigue .. why will you say after you die a little.

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letter of wishes to Santa Claus

Dear friends,
now the Christmas season is coming and we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2011. It 'been a year intense we put another piece in the construction of the new group was born during the 2009 elections. In recent months we have always tried to maintain a responsible attitude but do not forget that our role as opposition group is to tell things as they are no ifs or buts. Our attitude, free from conditioning and subterfuge, it is precisely the reason of the many attacks we have suffered and that hurt us in the future. Being free from the criterion of profit is a valuable commodity and we treasure it because it allows us to "shake your shoes" in front of large and small teasing us are reserved. If before we take any initiative we calculated the amount of expletives that would not have expected even begun to oppose or to mediate, we would have reduced left and right to keep open all the doors. The willingness to "sell" their ideals is very widespread and the last few months have been an important test to see what's really care about the people who directly or indirectly involved in the political life of our country. The view on the left side is very "fluid" because they started "approach maneuvers" that are visible to everyone, even non-experts. As already mentioned, we, on the contrary, we prefer to grow stronger and make our project while maintaining freedom of action and opposition: this is what we will do in the future.
We salute you and wish you a Christmas with the article of our group published the latest issue of "Life of Carpenedolo.

"Dear Santa,

under the tree this year we would like to find a different country. Carpenedolo not pretend that turns into New York so much glitter and colored lights, we would like to see him only more handsome, more polished, more welcoming. We want a clean Fossa Magna, parks with grass regularly, the roads without too many holes and street lights that work. As the Mayor of my country continues to repeat every day and every hour that there is no money then we turn to you, dear Santa Claus, hoping that at least you listen to us. But a gift we want most of all, dear Santa: the truth. tell you a fact that explains the reason for our desire.

the city council of 30 September carpenedolese the left, represented by the majority and the minority of the advisor list "Carpenedolo Change," has given our group a violent attack by the mere fact of having filed a motion (passed by Pdl, Lega, Carpenedolo Center and an adviser for the majority) which reiterated the support of Mary Immaculate Primary School, which, according to Deputy Mayor and Councillor Tafelli Bresciani, should be available to accommodate a large number of foreigners to meet the difficulties of the other nurseries in the area. With regard to this matter, the Vice President Fausta Brontesi Education Commission has also suggested the reduction of the assistance granted by the kindergarten in the same case did not accept a fixed number of foreign students. As perhaps you know, dear Santa Claus, the Kindergarten Mary Immaculate has the registration system more democratic in the world: first come, including foreigners, to enroll their children! For this reason we do not understand, dear Santa, the aggression we have suffered for mere failure to agree with the proposals put forward by the left. But what hurts us most are the lies that have been said about newspapers from other leftists carpenedolese, mayors and head. Deputy Mayor Tafelli arrived far as to say that the director of Beschi majority would vote in favor of our motion because it would be wrong ... For this, dear Father, we ask that you give us for the holidays actual words NON PAROLE BUONE. Perché non è con il buonismo da quattro soldi che si risolvono i problemi, ma con il coraggio di affrontare le proprie responsabilità senza mettere la testa sotto la sabbia. Non si può addossare alla Scuola Materna Maria Immacolata il compito di risolvere i problemi derivanti dalla sconsiderata politica immigratoria voluta dalla maggioranza e avvallata anche dalla lista “Cambiare Carpenedolo”. Caro Babbo, lo sappiamo che ti stiamo chiedendo tanto, ma il nostro paese ha bisogno di tutti i tuoi sforzi. Contiamo su di te, perché con il Sindaco abbiamo ormai perso ogni speranza! Buon Santo Natale a tutti e Felice 2011!"

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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The Vatican anti Moroni shakes and Casini Rutelli

The last problem for the nascent Third Pole named Chiara Moroni. It re-look at the values \u200b\u200bof bioethics, those on which agreement between the looming difficult follow-c-i Gianfranco Fini and Pier Ferdinando Ca-left. "If we were to copy - feel the de-Fli-putata of the agenda of the Vatican and make it our own, the Pole-to the nation would have died before their birth." The Moroni praised the opening of the PDL on living wills and attacks bans im-seater in 2004 by Law 40 on fertile Assistant. "It's a violent law - he says - against women besides shameful mind-discriminatory. Requires those me-nots not to give up an opportunity offered by science and the richest to emigrate groped for having children. For this to be changed. Or at least radi-cally revised, if only to implement the rulings of the Constitutional Court. "

The group vice president at the Ca-Fli merely proposes the establishment of a consultation-ta 'to deal with ethical issues within the PDN, ie gay marriage, the law end of life, adoption by single , fecondazio-assisted it. " For Moroni, in short, the laws estab-lish ethics "can not be dictated to by an external politica», cioè la Chiesa. Né vale la «disciplina di partito», ma deve essere lasciata «libertà di coscien­za». Se così non sarà, la Moroni sosterrà «azioni o iniziative promosse da altri su questi temi». È una vera sfida e Luca Volontè dell’Udc le risponde duramente. Ricorda che il Pdn si ispira al popolarismo europeo. «Chiara Moroni rincorre Pannella e spara fuoco amico sul Polo della Nazione? Nel Ppe i va­lori cristiani, la dignità della persona (dal concepimento alla morte naturale), fami­glia, libertà sociale, economia sociale di mercato sono imprescindibili». Posizioni che sembrano inconciliabili. It is a minefield of issues that "label-cally sensitive" with the Catholics of iron as Casini and Binetti on one side and lay representatives of the center as Fini and other Moroni. In the past, the presi-dent of the Chamber considered too restrictive rules on the hetero-fertilization neurologists, siding with the front referendum dario (radical, secular and leftist forces) and has held the living will, described as' from state ethical. "

The PDL knows that this will be one of the first test case for the PDN. And the leader Maurizio Gasparri, announced that the House will soon open debate on euta-Nasia and living wills. They pass a few hours and you have some internal difficulties in the centrist-explode in the declarations of Moroni. ready to battle for it in PDN-"it promotes a free-discussion on ethical issues and civil rights, but gay-marriages', in accordance with democratic-left and the positions of all freedom of opinion. Carlo Giovanardi for this is clear evidence that the third prong is "a big misunderstanding is intended to put to bankruptcy." The positions 'secularist and libertarian' of-the Moroni, said Undersecretary to the Presidency, on Act 40, will bio-cal and other bioethical issues are "completely unrelated" to the government line.

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Festivals and other disasters

I do not like this time not because you hate christmas
but particularly because it seems that if you do not do some things
you can not spend the holidays quietly celebrate something

absolutely must be seen to greet each run run run Now if you
is run to see my friends and my closest friends
is fine, but what I really can not stand are the party in office

anyone who wants at all costs to organize the Christmas party and
comincia a parlare da novembre facendo la questua
(si perchè ti tocca pure pagare, dieci euro su base obbligatoria se partecipi alla festa)
cosi se non partecipi sei una persona asociale e un pò tirchia
ma se poi ti adatti per quieto vivere
ti tocca sorbirti quelle facce da culo che normalmente non sopporti e fargli pure gli auguri.
E' vero ci sono alcuni colleghi ai quali vuoi bene e che ti sono molto simpatici,
ovviamente con loro faresti sempre festa allegramente anche senza aspettare il natale.
Questi ultimi lo ammetto non costituiscono la maggioranza.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

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E 'coming into your homes PDL Carpenedolo

these days is being distributed in your homes the newspaper information PDL Carpenedolo News that, in this issue, offers some opinions on the current situation in Carpenedolo. This edition was possible thanks to the commitment of going to press the militants who have contributed financially PDL before Christmas so that all citizens could have the picture of what happened in the last few months in our country.
We hope that the contents of the paper will serve to clarify some points which, in our opinion, deserve to be spelled out in clear and precise. We allowed a bit of irony and sarcasm because frankly we're a little tired of the way of doing politics of the left angry and serious (see the last issue of Info Pd).
Thanks go to all the PDL Carpenedolo that, a year and a half before the elections, is being strengthened through the work of counselors, commissioners and activists.
Go ahead, together, towards the future!

Friday, December 17, 2010

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But that is cold ...

Tra la frenesia del Natale e il freddo pungente
mi sento sempre più insofferente
E il momento più felice
of the day has become one in which I lay on my couch warm

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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News From the birth of the attempted turnaround centrino

since tried, and failed reversal Member to the media. Fold the reality is now the hallmark of Gianfranco Fini and his companions, from casino to Bersani. To read the majority of comments appeared in newspapers Yesterday it seemed that Berlusconi and the majority had in fact lost and that they were to win them. "Government Scilipoti", defined in many executive has ironically emerged unscathed from the fugitive deputy IDV that would have been decisive in the vote. Obviously not true. If anything, it was the decisive crisis of conscience Finian three deputies who did not have feelings of betrayal and ideals voters (by themselves have moved six votes). Crucial was the compactness of the axis-PDL League. The truth is reversed on the role and strength of fli, a party that has proved useless to the majority that the opposition had bet to bring down Berlusconi Fini using truth as a horse Troia.La is that the turnaround has left the voting units (yesterday, for the first time since the crisis, an amendment to the Fli did not go in the classroom). So much so that within hours of defeat, Fini, Casini and Williams said they will join the pieces. Form a single parliamentary group, rehearsal of a coalition be put in place if elected. A group of the Centre not look left, I swear. And lie. All three (Fli, UDC and Bees) are now allies of the Democratic Party in the government of Sicily. A group united as one man, I swear. It re-lies. The proof is that on Tuesday, one of Fini and Casini will renege on the Senate's vote on university reform already. In the House, in fact, the Fli voted in favor and against the UDC. First try, then, and the first frog will swallow one of the centrists. Others will follow, because Catholics and secularists Fini Casini will disagree (...)(...) on any ethical issue, how and where to direct the few resources that are there, where to cut. To tell the truth, and we are on the comic, there is no agreement even on the name for this deployment: Alliance for the nation, evoking An offer by Fli; Union of Centrists, argue UDC trying to clear his sigla.Insomma The big news of Italian politics is born under the auspices of the worst and according to the old rites. Fini was born to save the soldier from total defeat, dargli un po' di ossigeno perché possa illudere i suoi, molti dei quali propensi al ritorno in casa Pdl, che ci sia un futuro politico dopo la batosta di martedì. In sostanza è Casini che sta cercando di inghiottire i traditori di Berlusconi per traghettarli, insieme all'ex candidato premier dell'Ulivo Rutelli, nella pancia della sinistra, senza la quale, fuori dal Pdl, è impossibile pensare di vincere non dico le elezioni politiche ma neppure quelle di un consiglio comunale. Questa descritta non è un’ipotesi di fantapolitica ma il progetto neppure tanto segreto di Massimo D'Alema, l'eterno sconfitto che non sia rassegna a uscire di scena. Proprio D'Alema vede in Casini il nuovo Prodi, cioè il prestanome ideale per bring back the former communist election victory, and then at Palazzo Chigi. The doily should be the embryo of a beam Centrone-bad-PDL-axis to oppose the Communist League. to do. Four leader defeated not make it a winner. Four added ideas do not make a good . This was seen in all elections, as well as in the no-confidence vote. Doing so will only accelerate the escape of members of parliament (and voters) to the sides with clear ideas and unique. Berlusconi and Bossi are waiting with open arms.
(Alessandro Sallusti-from "Il Giornale")

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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Rutelli, and Di Pietro Fini: who is the cause of his ill cry himself

Trust both the Senate and the House for the Berlusconi government: Prime Minister has already visited the Quirinal Palace to confer with President Napolitano. After the satisfaction obtained by the trust is appropriate to make some observations about some members who have disobeyed orders party vote of confidence in the government. It 's the case of Rutelli's party, Alliance for Italy, which, before you even measure up to the polls, had already lost two deputies on the street (and Calearo Cesario-merged in the Mixed Group) and then have the confidence vote. Same goes for the two deputies who have openly of FLI "discouraged" the new president of their party by voting Gianfranco Fini confidence in government PDL weblog. Not to mention the two IDV Members who have decided to exit the Di Pietro's party for the confidence vote. A defeat that you should have the decency to comment so intellectually honest: these Members have simply decided not to deliver the country to a crisis in the dark he would have had devastating effects. Too easy and frankly pathetic talk of vote buying. Who can remember the good Follini step allowing the UDC to the Pd center-left government to survive? This was labeled as an act of responsibility: the usual game of two weights and two measures ....
In this way we used to do and why we think that, beyond the situation that will now be carefully managed, today has consumed an important moment in Italian politics. The old Italian politics who wanted to go for new sound took a lesson: This is the real signal came from Parliament today.
Paolo Spaziani

Monday, December 13, 2010

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what may end up

missing a few hours to a vote of confidence that holds suspended in Italy for over a month. For some day you should consume the final act Berlusconi era: the dismissal of the Prime Minister is the only true goal of many politicians, both nationally and locally, living in the grip of an obsession for Mr Berlusconi. Personally I think the situation that has arisen today is the result of a wrong way of doing politics, based only on personal revenge and the desire to see a defeated man, with all its limitations, it has governed Italy in these two and a half years avoiding that our country would end up like Greece or Ireland. In recent weeks has also been approved in the House strongly wanted the reform of universities from the same university. A quantum shift that has found strong resistance among those who fill their mouths the word "change." These politicians have supported the student protest just for the sake of embarrassing our country: this is the change that should come after the vote today? The stessi politici del "cambiamento" si sono stracciati le vesti perchè nella Finanziaria non era stata inserito il rinnovo del 5 per mille che, vi ricordo, è un'invenzione del centrodestra e non della sinistra. Il Governo, come promesso, ha inserito i fondi necessari al rinnovo del 5 per mille nel decreto milleproroghe. Vedete cari amici, si ritorna sempre al solito punto: chi sostiene che vuole mandare a casa Berlusconi per cambiare è invece il primo a volere mantenere lo status quo: il "ribaltone" rappresenta per questi saltimbanchi solo l'ennesimo modo di rifarsi il "look" per nascondere ancora una volta un modo di fare politica statalista e ideologico. Comunque vada a finire noi saremo pronti ad affrontare le sfide che ci attendono senza esitazioni, sostenendo come sempre il Popolo della Libertà. L'amicizia e la condivisione degli ideali sono sempre il miglior modo di rispondere all'odio e al razzismo ideologico che ormai da tempo infanga il nostro paese.
Paolo Spaziani
Capogruppo PDL in Consiglio Comunale

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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eventful weekend

The motion is that of the earthquake on Sunday morning ... ...
vibrating movement while I was basking in the warmth of my bed
And to think that a few days ago I found a little 'peace on my mind messed up I began
to relax and that's almost a shock ..
.. it seems that I heard myself and a couple of friends.
Sunday passes between resolution of technical problems on this unknown decoder, cinema, Indian restaurant and pleasant company.
admit, however, that the shock of 3:50 in the morning I worry a lot more
The recurrence is not not at all reassuring
I am reminded of the Abruzzo, San Giuliano and that November 23, 1980 still in the minds and hearts .. can not sleep.