Eugenio Corini: uno dei più grandi della storia rosanero e del calcio italiano
GRANDE CAPITANO: quante immagini, quanti sentimenti forti, quante emozioni. Se sei tifoso del Palermo e senti il nome di Eugenio Corini non puoi non evocare le emozioni, sollecitate dai tanti ricordi che emergono. Le istantanee sarebbero innumerevoli: le braccia alzate al pubblico per richiamare l’incitamento, prima di battere un calcio d’angolo; la fantastica festa promozione, quella notte di fine maggio del 2004 “storica” non solo per la sua squadra, ma per la città intera; gli assist che permisero a Luca Toni to become what it became later, the race to the bench to hug his coach Guidolin in difficulty, an autumn afternoon in he of Brescia, where you can pull air defenses and the captain, a leader, and above all showed President Zamparini remasse which way the locker room. Again, another race, beautiful, the whole field of Barbera from one port to another, having converted a penalty kick, to go to embrace Agliardi, who minutes earlier had made a sensational duck risked undermining the derby with Catania. On the other hand, the genius was widely recognized by all experts and not for the professionalism, moral values, the seriousness of man and the player: this has been loved like few others in Palermo. We do not know how many football players, ex Rosanero, happened to return to Barbera at a distance of two years from the Adda and receive, as an opponent, a standing ovation from 20,000 people, all standing, clapping for all the moments full of long emotions, well, this happened to Eugenio Corini, on April 5, half recovery in Palermo-Torino. Of course it is no coincidence.
Mah! Usually the tales end with a happy ending. This is a beautiful fairy tale, but the happy ending is an exception. The last half of the 2006/2007 season, in fact, all the Palermo fans willingly erased from their memory, and certainly Eugenio Corini with them. In the second round, with the knee of Amauri, something breaks in the toy Rosanero, Palermo and squander a lead of 12 points and can not hit a Champion's qualifications that at one point seemed obvious. The rose can not win for three months, from sad night in Catania and the dream becomes a nightmare, the euphoria degradation. The captain, as always, assumes full responsibility for that role and leadership in their power, puts his face, speaks to supporters, comrades, difende il gruppo e l’allenatore, cerca di tener serrate le fila: tutto inutile. Il Palermo arriva quinto, comunque miglior piazzamento finale di sempre, ma il sogno Champion’s sfuma.Alla fine di quel campionato, iniziato benissimo e finito male, sfuma anche l’avventura di Eugenio Corini a Palermo. Pensava di chiudere la carriera in rosa, il Genio, e poi continuare da dirigente, come uno “di famiglia”. Come lui, lo pensava e lo voleva tutto il popolo rosa. Purtroppo, qualcuno in quei mesi peccò di miopia, forse di superficialità, forse di rigidità: sta di fatto, che un pomeriggio di giugno Eugenio Corini convoca una conferenza stampa e annuncia tra le lacrime il suo addio al Palermo.Una storia, umana e sportiva, as this was not so close, but you know, history is not made with the if and but, and it went well. Of course, now that Eugenio Corini finished with a career as a professional footballer. From sports and football fans, no one can not wish all the best for his future career that saw him on the bench and certainly not ... tell him thanks for everything, Genius, for those four wonderful years, see you soon ...