In a room crowded with more than 60 people, including farmers, representatives of some of the technical and bio gas is held the presentation of the "walk together. CERTIFICATION OF SUBSIDIARY OR GROUP FOR ORGANIC FARMERS, ANOTHER STEP IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SOLIDARITY 'ACTIVE BETWEEN PRODUCERS AND CONSUMERS.
Marzio presents the design of participatory certification, which exists in several countries in the world as alternative to the official organic certification, among other things, the CP differs from it for the lower costs required to run it - since it relies on a lot of volunteer work - and the direct relationship between producers and consumers. The goal is to start with a trial year of the project between producers Fierucola. Xavier - the project is based on two requirements of the producer, the first of an audit company that is not compared with a counterparty, but building a relationship of cooperation beyond the control and the other to create a direct relationship with the consumer, which for now is for manufacturers of fierucola mostly to markets and are instead in the time of inspection aziendale. Per la verifica aziendale si useranno poi delle griglie di valutazione che possono essere più o meno complesse: quelle standard IFOAM, o altre più semplici, ma comunque sempre avvalorate dal rapporto di fiducia tra produttori e consumatori. Poi le griglie verranno mandate ad un gruppo di cooordinamento regionale o provinciale che terrà tutto il materiale cartaceo. Sarà poi eventualmente possibile adottare un marchio, garante della qualità del prodotto, dato che non possiamo utilizzare termini come "Biologico" sulle etichette con questa forma di certificazione.
Alfredo - chiede se si può lottare contro la presa di possesso da parte dell’ente pubblico di una parola come biologico.
Marzio risponde that the European law says that you can not use certain words do not correspond to a specific procedure established by law.
Xavier says that Italy has joined the European law such as France, where, however, there is a guarantee of Nature et Progrès, which does not mention the word organic, but they all know and appreciate the serious approach, in fact, the CP does not need the approval of any public body, we need only participation in the certification process with stakeholders including producers and consumers.
Claudio P. - see unnecessary stop dead on the terms and fight against public bodies, thought to be more important to focus on the CP and at the same time do a job sulla determinazione dei prezzi da parte dei consumaqtori e dei produttori.
Francesca - le aziende devono imparare a camminare con le proprie forze e creare un esempio. Vede un'ottima opportunità questo tentativo della fierucola. Nelle province c’ è possibilità di proporre la CP, è un momento favorevole e per gli organismi di controllo le piccole aziende sono un peso, potrebbero anche vedere con favore una loro autogestione.
Claudio C. - d'accordo con l'iniziativa, chiede se questa certificazione sostituirà quella ufficiale.
Saverio - da un punto di vista monetario la CP è più economica ma non permette di accedere ai contributi per le aziende bio.
Walter - ho perso clienti perchè devono avere un marchio di riconoscimento, Chiede se è già stata pensata una sigla da usare.
Marzio - siamo in una fase iniziale e un nome è ancora prematuro.
Saverio - c'è bisogno di un anno di esperienza per capire come costituire la CP e dove può arrivare. L'idea è di creare tutto insieme, produttori e consumatori, senza coinvolgere enti e amministratori. Pierre -aderisce al progetto e chiede di visionare le griglie. Marzio- ne abbiamo alcune di riferimento ma dobbiamo creare insieme quelle adatte per us.Gianpietro-Fierucola worked with the controls between manufacturers, so you can also do the CP and believes that the market lacks the integration of consumer testing business.
Marco B. - Joined the project on behalf of CTPB and believes that the birth of a brand is only necessary if the intention is to move beyond direct sales.
Marzio - but stresses that the certification teams participated abroad (the example of CNG in the U.S.) all have their own brand, even if the CP is designed for small producers.
Cristina GAS Ethically Scandicci - in their gas, consumers are also producers sometimes have a certification that are filled to the producers. I am interested in the project.
Azienda Agricola La Talea Coverciano - fresh produce is not certified company that works for GAS. He likes the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing together, creating a network of people with similar problems and also think of a certificate.
Claudio P. - Aims to study even the smallest experience of self-certification as the Potato forty Genoa and the collective TerraTerra of Rome have also made a speech of price formation. The Talea-how and where is the power to control.?
Xavier - replied that the evaluation grids az. can be very detailed as those of third-party certification. Some use of GAS griglie di valutazione del produttore molto approfondite. E’ importante far circolare le informazioni.
Marzio -aggiunge che la certificazione avviene tra produttori, consumatori e tecnici in un rapporto di reciproca collaborazione.
Cristina Gas Eticamente - i Gas cercano i piccoli produttori e non solo grandi, questo è l'acquisto solidale; cercano i contatti anche con produttori non bio per proporre loro la conversione offrendogli un mercato.
Massimo Gas San Frediano - i Gas in genere tengono rapporti con quattro, cinque produttori per facilitare la gestione dei prodotti. Questa CP è interessante, perchè i produttori che partecipano ad un gruppo di certificazione sono in contatto e creano un rapporto più veloce con i consumatori che a volte non hanno tempo di crearne.
Andrea Gas Castelfiorentino.- cercano rapporto con i piccolissimi produttori e chiede di essere partecipi alla formazione delle regole che verranno adottate per la gestione della CP.
Az. Montagnana- aderiscono al progetto.
Sandra di Radici - sono d’ accordo con il progetto perchè è giusto che anche piccole aziende che si autocertificano vengano controllate seriamente per essere valorizzate o eliminate se non lavorano bene. I Gas hanno realtà diverse fra loro e a volte considerano il produttore come un supermercato; invece bisogna aiutare a migliorare il rapporto.
Antonio dal Monte Amiata - aderisce al progetto e ritiene importante il relationship of trust and clear rules and the same for those who join. John Cerbaia fruit and adheres and is available, the farmer must cultivate the land and the farmer must cultivate Gas.
Franco Pedrini. - Adheres to and believes important to define the chain of certification and that farmers undertake to cultivate old varieties of seeds.
Francesca Blacks-Marco joins
Chiletti - adheres
There were no dissenting voices to the project and Marzio concludes that the working group that will establish the general criteria of the project will be expanded because of the considerable interest aroused by ' initiative. By the end of the month we intend to convene.
will also be important to define the geographical districts in which local groups (producers and consumers) will meet to start the certification project.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Claudio Pozzi"
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:57 PM
Subject: [asci-Italian] certification subsidiary
Hello, I have attempted a synthesis of the meeting of January 30
that is transferable to the groups who did not participate and to keep them
current project. For example, I hope to be able
to involve farmers and gas here in
I have not appointed all and I have given to someone other than his words
also those of another. All this for readability
maintaining the feeling of the plurality of operations.
Let me know if I hit the target and complied with the substance.
Sorry if I was not lightning.
Saturday, January 30, Scandicci.
housed in the premises of Mani Tese Asci Tuscany and the Association
Fierucola have promoted an afternoon of debate and discussion
between producers and consumers on the issue of certification subsidiary.
The world of small organic producers, have long been questions about
how to get to renew confidence in the integrity and relationship with consumers
, betrayed by the laws and regulations have been gradually imposing trademarks and certification of large fruit compromises and tailor-made for the food industry. Marzio
Carletti and Xavier Nannini, leaders of the Working Group on Certification
subsidiary introduced the discussion. Asci
sanctions but that leads to a real comparison between
. Inspired by the English and French experiences, Asci
Tuscany offers a year experimental control
of self (this is the method used since the birth of
Fierucola and waterfall in the various farmers' markets that organizes Asci
in Tuscany under the name of "The Haystack"). And 'necessary
contemporary availability of fierucolanti
consumer groups and to work in groups to create local control
circularity and reciprocity. If this experimental practice could extend to the external circuits to
Fierucola Haystack and would be ideal.
may also be an opportunity to study and verify the mechanisms
shared construction of the price.
This practice of sharing and building from the bottom of
practices certification does not need the recognition
institutional and serve to deepen the understanding between producers and Gas
, easing the path of trust when the chain ends to stretch
. It 'still appropriate even in cases where there is a direct
already because it opens the path towards a society
horizontal and relational growth can divert the energies
today for maintaining a bureaucratic process.
The acquisition of knowledge and relational growth
are the real driving force behind this project. Giampiero with 25 years of Fierucola
back to confirm the validity of the self-labeling
the more direct involvement of consumers, hitherto marginal
involves a substantial growth of the system. Cristina with Gas Ethically
of Scandicci is following a path of gradual release from the big
producers to invest trust in small local producers, including non-biological
sometimes just to encourage them to jump
quality. In these cases, the same gas to assume the role of the certifying
and the result you get is the
increase the quality of life and relationships in the territory in which they live
. Xavier confirms that the grids used for certification by
Gas and associations to self
are often very good and detailed, but allow simplification
of procedures. When this happens not to replenish the gas end
80% from large companies and small producers survive only thanks to
objection on which authority can justify this method of certification
Marzio replied that the authority is established
from the crossing and the mutuality of relationships. Gas
Some express the need to deal with groups of small farmers
associates to avoid the dispersion: the
variegation characteristic of the world of gas makes it difficult to own a real
and coordination, a process that can establish rules to facilitate
. There is a need for a system that permetta di
potersi rivolgere quando è necessario ad un produttore più lontano con
la stessa fiducia che si ripone nel produttore più vicino.
Franco che produce parmigiano e che è schiacciato dalle grandi
aziende certificate spesso solo per una parte della produzione
segnala i rischi nascosti nelle certificazioni ufficiali.
Sandra che fa parte del movimento bio fin dagli albori, già aiab/icea
e ctpb sostiene che è interessante questo salto in avanti che va a
recuperare i valori degli inizi spezzando il muro della burocrazia e
dei compromessi imposti dal business. Il mondo dei Gas secondo Sandra
è variegato quanto quello dei produttori, nel bene e nel male: se
missing the relationship lacks everything.
John says about it: If the farmer cultivates the land
, gas-growing peasant solidarity is the core of self
and this project is to deepen the relationship
producer / consumer.
Franco grow and process focuses on quality
the current method of certification is cut sull'agroindustria.
The Tuscany is a land full of small companies offering a
finished product: it is necessary to study a new concept of chain
to offer the consumer something appropriate to the quality of these products
nurseryman Frank feels the need of self
not so much as to circumvent the bureaucracy to make the consumer aware
that all the material is self-propagation in the company. Marco
provocatively proposes to put the copyright on the term
owned certification to prevent the theft, said the total ineffectiveness
for small farmers and supports the contributions PSR
that this alternative is self-managed way to the entrance of a horizontal society
us Subject to Genetically Modified
, World Trade Organization and Codex Alimentarius
The meeting closed with a reference to the theme of seed
considered central to the freedom and quality of small
born today a working group that is calling to the expanded
local groups and gas producers in undertaking a year of experimentation and discussion
process toward certification