Monday, March 1, 2010

Get The Smell Out Of Ski Boots

Els Sistemes de Garantia Participate in Andalusia

Más allá del mercado: el desarrollo de un sistema participativo de garantía en Andalucía

César Eduardo De la Cruz Abarca

Business Card Yesterday, 02/24/2010 in the seat of CTPB in Florence Via Nazionale 17, met the enlarged working group on certification for organic farmers participated. Present more than 20 people from different provinces in the region to witness the interest that the project raises. All present acknowledged that its plan, though necessary, a year of experimentation, characteristics will be structured in various regional and local groups that will form the lists of producers and consumers, whether organized or not in the gas, they will work together.
The discussion centered mainly on the problem of rules to which you must follow the local groups in the compilation of evaluation grids aziendale. Come è noto esistono differenze fra i regolamenti in uso nella certificazione di parte terza (ICEA….) e i regolamenti dell’associazione la fierucola o di ASCI. Per fare un esempio pratico, le aziende che accedono al mercato della fierucola devono avere una produzione interamente bio, dimensioni aziendali familiari, e produrre per i mercati locali.
E’ quindi necessario un momento di confronto e sintesi fra gli aderenti al progetto per stabilire regole certe e condivise per l’accesso delle varie aziende a questo sistema di certificazione.

Molti dei presenti hanno comunque sottolineato il fatto che già negli standard IFOAM la CP viene considerata una metodica possibile e valida solo per “piccole” companies that produce for direct sale in local markets, and that there is still a core set of regulations for organic production (in fact standards IFOAM) to the whole organic world and that this should go.

Almost all those present to express their views on this issue and the discussion at the end was based on the timing and progression with which these problems will be solved.

On the one hand, very briefly, who felt the first priority to start a phase of reflection on shared rules and then start the work of local groups, from 'the other, however, who argued the urgent need to initiate the establishment of local groups. At the end evaluated that there are time constraints, especially considering that the season of field work is at the door, we decided to quickly start a phase of confrontation with the regulations and restricted working group while simultaneously allowing the creation of local groups, which must be made within the end of March. By the end of March will be ready for the principles that will underpin the / a company's evaluation grid.

Other topics briefly considered are the geographical size of the local groups we recommend a balance between the number of consumers and producers present and the wider involvement of the gas in the area or interested in relations with those manufacturers, geographical extension agile work, without too many expensive travel, information to producers in the area potentially affected. Please note that local groups are used to establish relations between producers and consumers, but also between producers and between producers and gas and gas and that the work of CP is one of many possible activities (DES, pricing products, seeds ...).

still seems important to establish the first contacts with other European groups engaged in the CP and the group that deals with the IFOAM thing. Finally kindly R. Mushrooms have been a blog on CP:


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