Monday, September 27, 2010

Graph Of China Historical Foreign Exchange Rate

variance analysis tests all ...

the frenzied search of mental and physical well and continues

evolution of the research I finally found a yoga class in the place and at the time I wanted.
... It was a while since I thought about it but never found the right joint
the first lesson (the test) I am not sorry
(for the enthusiasm is still a long way)
so I enrolled. ..
I had a moment of hesitation when I had to take a strange position
suspended by a rope
and I feared to break his neck.
But determined not to be discouraged by the first apparent difficulty
I doggedly persevered in my decision .. It approximates the

second lesson I hope to find what I'm looking ..
not know yet what but I hope to find out.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Doberman On Buffalo Blue Dog Food

Dilemmas ....

By mid-October it was decided the fate of my competitions
though I wonder why the hell did I ever submitted an application, the notice seems
all decided since the profile of the winners
seems the picture of who is already there .
short, a charade that serves to regulate those who are not yet settled.
I'm making a better effort to study carving out chunks of time and energy
from hectic days of work from which I can not get out ...
... as well as studying on Saturdays and Sundays (or at least I try).
After the tests we take a romantic weekend starting from Friday
looking! book now you say ...
dilemma ... but if I wrote it? and if I set the hearing Friday that its impossible to pass
I say .....
It now booking ... no, I do not know ...
if I were a millionaire I would not have this dilemma ......
indeed I should not book early to get the discount ..
I should not even work for a living
and a nice raspberry
look at the whole system of the lottery ticket
a chance ... do not know what size impossible
Okay back to studying
decide tomorrow whether or not to book ..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Survival Rate With Enlarged Heart

excesses karmic

pleasant weekend canceled because not
rosy forecast is better this year for programs to stop doing some kind
The Karma of 2010 was marked by negativity annoying
Better omitted here because everything goes on its behalf
and my body more than anything else
between intemperance and unpacked
exams over and out and maybe go to the head.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Put Money Debit Card Atm

mushrooms and truffles

That the hills near Bologna offer everything a little known
but if you go just a bit more about the range of specialties offered
and widens into a beautiful sunny Sunday in September
(date the temperature fall now seems to be the last but who knows)
can dare a lunch of wild mushrooms
incredibly fragrant ...
and walking in the sun
village along the streets observing the strange things they sell on market stalls and
not resist the need to buy cold cuts and cheese with truffles
the smell tickles the nose while the owner makes you into temptation
displaying the invitation to taste free tray of delicacies. And as Oscar Wilde said

the only way to resist temptation is to yield.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Zumex Orange Juice Machine

Racconti del terremoto...

Wax Eye Brows With Hard Wax?


gases and participatory guarantee systems

August 3, 2010 Page 1 of 5


Document of the Working Group on "participatory certification"

National Assembly GAS - DES 2010 - Osnago (LC), 5 and 6 June 2010

" tighten the hand that feeds you .

As soon as you do, the reliability becomes a matter of human relationships rather than rules,

labels or legal liability. [...]

La regolamentazione è un sostituto imperfetto di quell’affidabilità e di quella fiducia che sono parti

integranti di un mercato nel quale produttore e il consumatore possono guardarsi negli occhi. Solo

quando saremo corresponsabili di una catena alimentare corta potremo, settimana dopo settimana,

prendere coscienza del fatto che noi facciamo parte di una catena alimentare e che la nostra salute dipende

dalla sua gente, dai suoi terreni e dalla sua integrità – dal suo stato di salute.» 1

Cosa sono i sistemi di garanzia partecipativa?

La definizione di IFOAM recita:

“I sistemi di garanzia partecipativa (PGS – Participatory Guarantee Systems) sono sistemi di assicurazione

della qualità che agiscono su base locale. La certificazione dei produttori prevede la partecipazione attiva

delle parti interessate ( stakeholders ) ed è costruita basandosi sulla fiducia, le reti sociali e lo scambio di

conoscenze.” 2

Sui medesimi fattori appare fondata la definizione offerta da Euclides Mance:

“La certificazione partecipativa […] è un sistema solidale di formazione della credibilità così costruito: una

activities in the network that connects producers and consumers from their local trust relationships. " 3

significant is the listing of key elements of a proposal for PGS IFOAM, which are well suited

both the proposed definitions:

1. horizon (vision) shared : producers and consumers must share the principles consciously

underlying the PGS;

2. participation : the credibility of the system is a consequence of the active participation of all stakeholders;

3. transparency : everyone involved must have a good level of awareness of how

operation. Therefore not merely a formal exposition of all the details (which can

appear false information, or minutes if they are too technical), but a genuine and substantial

widespread knowledge of the basic steps and basic elements of the process;

4. confidence : The system is based on the belief, widespread among all actors, producers who act in good

faith and that the certification is an expression of that expectation;

5. learning : certification should result in a permanent process of collective learning,

that strengthens the entire network involved;

6. horizontal : all those involved in the PGS must share the same level of responsibility and

competence in the process.

1 M. Pollan, In Difesa del cibo , Adelphi, 2009, pp. 169-170


3 "Solidarity is a system for generating credibility that arose in this way: an activity network that links

producers and consumers from their own local trusts." Euclides André Mance, Como organizar

de um system certificação participatory , p. 258, in Euclides André Mance (ed.), Como organizar redes solidàrias,

DP & A Editora, 2003

gases and participatory guarantee systems

August 3, 2010 Page 2 of 5


Although in this context the words "guarantee" and "certification" are often used in the same way as

synonyms, the use of the first seems preferable because it better lends itself to expressing the "gradual" (we can

say "with a certain degree of assurance"), in the second place that refers to a situation

exclusive and discreet (a product / process or is certified or not, can not be "some extent") .

Because GAS are intended to promote participatory guarantee systems?

The process of third-party certification (known as "dot") is not always the most appropriate way of ensuring

the quality of production or the characteristics of a manufacturer in accordance with the principles of ' economy

relations, which we hope should inform the relationships between gas producers and reference.

In particular, the usual system of certification:

· provide a passive role of the producer (the producer is adapting to indications of others) and

the foreignness of the consumer (who has no part in the process) . Passivity and alienation,

or the antithesis of equal participation and direct that inspires the practice of GAS and relations with the

manufacturers reference

· act on an exclusive and discreet : chi risponde alle caratteristiche del protocollo è “dentro”, gli

altri “fuori”. 4 I PGS sono basati su un processo di apprendimento collettivo che aspira a coinvolgere

paritariamente tutti gli attori interessati, ed implicano dunque la gradualità : l’adesione al meccanismo di

garanzia partecipata esprime, in piena trasparenza, tanto la volontà di raggiungere un certo obiettivo

(definito da un protocollo condiviso), quanto il grado di raggiungimento dello stesso. In altre parole,

equivale alla dichiarazione di un produttore (sostenuta da opportune evidenze, dalla fiducia e dalla rete

sociale di riferimento) di collocarsi all’interno di un processo, alla volontà di muoversi in una certa

direzione. Una sorta di dichiarazione del tipo: “quest’anno sono arrivato fino a qui, i consumatori e tutte

le parti interessate ne sono perfettamente consapevoli, ma ci stiamo attrezzando a raggiungere per

l’anno prossimo l’obiettivo condiviso con il gruppo di garanzia”;

· traggono legittimità dalla indifferenza rispetto al contesto ed alla scala locale : il protocollo di

certificazione è il medesimo per territori diversi o differenti tipologie di produttori (piccoli, grandi, più o

meno strutturati, ecc.), aspetto which is an important element of guarantee (so much so that

protocols are set up high level, national or supranational). The certification to the participatory

contrary is made in a limited branch network, inheriting the characteristics: the mechanism of

certification will therefore be different from context to context, focusing on the elements of time

most critical time or to which the social network of reference reflects the greater sensitivity (the dignity of

work, social sustainability, the method of production, soil conservation, biodiversity protection, the

retrieval of knowledge, etc..) Leaders by evidence of course in perfect transparency. For this reason

every assurance system has shared his "brand", unlike the mechanisms of certification

third party, in which the outcome of the certification process is exactly the right bear sole

mark governed by national law or supranational;

· specialize vertically on individual aspects : Each "stamp" shall certify only one aspect of a process

production or product, and with reference to general principles but not to a particular version of

reference standard (eg. the same certification ISO 9001 version 2008 is partially

different from that of the 2000 ). The PGS, based on the relational network can instead consider

a producer and production processes that they see him involved in their integrity, contemplating

multiple aspects and / or multi-step opening of the chain (in fact approaching a

certification chain ). Eg. we can bring to the attention of a single share in the guarantee scheme

dignity of workers and environmental sustainability of a production process, considering not only the activities

that take place at the production, but also who is in charge of logistics and packaging. This attitude

is particularly close to that of GAS, they face the choice of a producer from

that create complex relationship with it (which of course embraces a wide range of issues) and

all the steps leading from raw materials to finished product delivery;

4 should be noted that there are models of third-party certification involving a gradual action, by

different markings depending on the degree of adherence to the rules reached (eg. EFQM model). It

however, not only of exceptions (against the usual rules for the certification), but also of mechanisms aimed at

raise the competitiveness (in fact often associated with contests and prizes) and or to emphasize its proximity to a

goal, quite differently dall'approccio inclusive inform the PGS.

gases and participatory guarantee systems

August 3, 2010 Page 3 of 5

· require a significant bureaucracy and costs are not always sustainable : the traditional systems

certification, based on a high level of formalization, need special care

administration, which is not always the small producers, local craft or can (or want) to support 5

without considering the costs (direct and indirect) arising from it (certification, consulting ,

brand management, royalties, etc.).. The PGS minimize the bureaucracy, focusing on the direct comparison;

addition, the costs are contained mainly to cover expenses, the care of the network,

communication and possible involvement of experts / outside engineers.

GASES PGS therefore intends to promote because they appear consistent with their approach (more than

it is not the traditional third-party certification) and based on the egalitarian, inclusive, close to

local context, multi-criteria, are also suitable for small producers, lighter, dynamic and adaptive.


The PGS can be open to other contexts, would not make sense to formalize a process of participatory guarantee

only for the benefit of GAS. The gas producers have their reference, they trust, and that

"certify" by word of mouth: When a gas is looking for a new manufacturer is not seeking a trade, but calls to other

GAS della propria rete, oppure lancia un appello alla mailing-list nazionale.

Un “marchio” serve dunque per colloquiare con contesti esterni (più o meno contigui), per la stessa ragione

per cui la certificazione tradizionale è indispensabile per chi vuole immettere i propri prodotti nei consueti

canali distributivi.

Un marchio gestito su base fiduciaria e partecipata può consentire di ampliare le reti distributive dei prodotti

rimanendo protagonisti del processo, senza snaturare il quadro relazionale e valoriale, prendendo però atto

che la sostenibilità delle filiere di economia solidale necessita spesso di una scala più ampia only of GAS (a

unless you want to encourage consumerism gasista unlikely!).

This opening also means extending the set of producers of reference, avoiding (as is often

networks GAS) to focus on a few manufacturers already virtuous "accredited". The approach of the guarantee

participatory, inclusive and progressive, it encourages the active involvement of new players promoting

practice (by a process of collective learning and sharing of the commitment)

the second transformation (or contamination with ) the principles of solidarity.

GAS How can effectively promote the testing of participatory guarantee systems?

Concretely, a PGS is made from a "local board" meeting between a manufacturer (or more

producers) and one or more consumer groups organized (GAS), based on a pre-existing relationship

trust and direct association between GAS and producer. In a broader view of the table represents the local

contact larger networks that propagate within them information about the system warranty ( transparency ) and

confidence the estate of the mechanism ( credibility ).

In other words, the stable network of relationships between GAS that makes one group "reliable" I trust that

GAS, under relationship built up over time, so I trust that this gas contributes to PGS

form. Similarly, the company should not participate as an individual but as a node

network reported that the trust qualifies and who is organized or promoted: 6 that it is producers or

consumers care network emerges therefore as a decisive element.

The first operational core of a PGS will establish inter alia:

· certify what : which aspects are relevant to that particular PGS and therefore included in the protocol

certified and tested? The method of production, the dignity of labor, environmental impact, the

defense, the protection of the variety, etc..? Methods of definition of the sale price are

included in the framework of the certification?

5 appears significant in this respect the "people's campaign for a law that recognizes the family farming and

free the country work from the bureaucracy" (, promoted by different and authoritative networks

peasant base.

6 The establishment of a trust network among local manufacturers is a sensitive and often critical. Besides the physiological

"mistrust" and potentially conflicting interests, va considerato l’approccio dominante che colloca le imprese

sempre e comunque in posizione competitivo: un retorica che condiziona tutto il discorso economico scoraggiando la

concezione di reti cooperative di imprese impegnate in giochi economici “a somma positiva” (dove tutti vincono, a

differenza del gioco competitivo “a somma zero”, dove la “vincita” si ottiene a scapito di chi “perde”).

I GAS e i sistemi Participatory Guarantee

August 3, 2010 Page 4 of 5

· in what way do the checks : who makes visits to the companies belonging to PGS? With

how often? You need the intervention of technicians or outside experts?

· how to handle failure at : generally in a PGS is assumed that the failure

shared security protocol is the result of a lack of information and training. Consequently,

the detection of irregularities (but not such as to break the trust) does not

exclusion, but the activation of an important educational or other appropriate instruments of adjustment

(typically supported by other producers or experts) actively supported by other partners. The

guarantee compliance with the Protocol is therefore a collective assumption of responsibility , whose weight

is not downloaded on the individual producer, but shared by all network that supports the PGS;

· which actors involved in the PGS : the type of players making up the network in support of the PGS is not

necessarily limitata a produttori e consumatori, ma dipenderà dalle caratteristiche locali e dagli

obiettivi del sistema. Ad esempio, potrebbe essere auspicabile la partecipazione del sindacato o di

associazioni per la difesa dei diritti dei migranti, quando un obiettivo caratterizzante è la tutela della

dignità del lavoro, oppure degli enti locali, ecc.;

· quali produttori partecipano al PGS : quali caratteristiche must have a producer to enter to do

part of a PGS? It provides for a period of mentoring and training?

· how to give visibility to the PGS : what rules to manage the "brand"?

A working hypothesis: a participatory guarantee system for citrus in Calabria and Sicily

L’ipotesi di sperimentazione muove dai seguenti presupposti:

· gli agrumi rappresentano un prodotto stagionale di largo consumo, dunque gestibile per un tempo

limitato ma con volumi importanti, caratteristiche indicate per una prima sperimentazione circoscritta nel

tempo ma non trascurabile nell’impatto;

· esiste una consolidata relazione tra molti GAS del Nord Italia e diversi produttori citrus fruits in the South;

· there is a network of gas and consolidated several local networks of producers, with particular reference to

Consortium "The Happy Hens" (Archipelago Siqillyàh) and the catalytic role of Robert Licalzi;

· the serious incidents of racism that occurred in Rosario called for the attention of the general public

and less attentive, showing some sensitivity to tema e dunque una importante opportunità di


Tali presupposti appaiono particolarmente funzionali all’attivazione sperimentale di un PGS dedicato agli

agrumi (già a partire dalla stagione produttiva 2010/2011?). Nella fattispecie possiamo immaginare, al fine di

avviare la riflessione operativa, un PGS caratterizzato dai seguenti elementi (per i quali si evidenziano

contestualmente alcune potenziali criticità):

1) cosa certify: a chain of citrus fruit from the Consortium "The Happy Hens" and the establishment

Rosarno agricultural cooperative, providing both the biological culture method, both the dignity of workers

(along the chain).

a) We have some experience with organic farming, but on protecting the dignity of work what

we say? The paradigm of "union" that represents our cultural reference (the assumption

"regular") is very functional to the protection of migrant and seasonal workers in agriculture? What

interest was the migrant seasonal food to a pension and welfare which

presumably will not enjoy that? How to promote decent conditions not only in terms

pay, but also the quality of individual and social life (food, shelter, medical care and

legal, positive relationships with host community)?

b) is necessary or desirable to determine a priori a minimum selling price, below which

becomes reasonable to suggest the exploitation of labor and / or made in excess of that permitted by a

organic production method? How to arrive at that determination?

c) Certify the entire supply chain involves ensuring traceability (at all levels: raw materials,

processing, logistics), we are able to ensure the visibility and permanent record of

all the steps? It is an organizational costs that we are in terms of addressing (identification,

encoding, database, labeling, etc..)?

2) in what way do the tests: a visit from the firms involved in a group

expression of all those involved in the PGS, at least accompanied by an experienced

gases and participatory guarantee systems

August 3, 2010 Page 5 of 5

farming and another producer in the area. During the first visit will be met even

workers, seasonal and (if necessary will be provided a figure of cultural and linguistic mediator).

During the season, a technician will make at least a second visit, as well as a delegation

workers will meet again.

a) How to locate the expert consultants and specialized functions? Based on what criteria?

3) how to deal with the negative results of tests: the management team will discuss first with the PGS

producer Reasons for non-compliance with the Protocol (negligence, or contingent objective problems, poor

availability of resources, educational deficits, etc.).. If the reasons are not to interrupt the relationship of trust,

will agree an appropriate coaching by another producer of PGS or an expert.

4) quali attori partecipano al PGS: gli obiettivi di certificazione espressi al punto 1 impongono il

coinvolgimento di soggettività dedite alla promozione dei diritti del lavoro e dei migranti, quali il sindacato

e le associazioni antirazziste.

a) Ha senso coinvolgere gli Enti locali? A quale livello? Con quale ruolo?

5) quali produttori partecipano al PGS: si partirà dalle reti già consolidate o avviate, come Le Galline Felici

o la cooperativa di Rosarno, con l’obiettivo di costituire una rete capace di accogliere altri produttori

desiderosi di produrre con modalità rispettose dell’ambiente e dei lavoratori, ovvero disponibili a

sottoscrivere il protocollo di garanzia da definire. L’adesione di un nuovo produttore al PGS avverrà in

base ad una procedura da definire, che prevederà in ogni caso almeno una visita preliminare presso

l’azienda e l’incontro diretto con i lavoratori.

a) Come identificare i limiti territoriali del PGS?

b) The fact that a manufacturer sells to the supermarket chains is also a discriminating factor?

6) how to give visibility to the PGS, the brand will be awarded in the first instance only to certain types of citrus

agreed, not the producer as such or to its products, you need to define the rules

trademark attribution: who may do so, how, for how long.

In general there is, since the level of experimentation, the problem of availability of resources: building

e/o consolidare la rete ha comunque dei costi (rimborsi spese, viaggi, burocrazia, ecc.), può essere

necessaria la collaborazione di esperti o professionisti, è indispensabile una almeno minima attività di

comunicazione esterna (sito Internet, brochure, partecipazione ad eventi, ecc.). Dove reperire le risorse?

Autofinanziarsi (ovvero scaricare i costi sui partecipanti al PGS e/o sul prezzo dei prodotti) o cercare risorse

esterne? Con quali criteri eventualmente selezionare i finanziamenti esterni?

Tutti i predetti elementi andranno descritti in un documento espressamente approvato da tutti gli attori

coinvolti nel PGS, che costituirà il “protocollo di garanzia”; tale documento conterrà anche le regole per la

sua revisione.