Saturday, September 25, 2010

Doberman On Buffalo Blue Dog Food

Dilemmas ....

By mid-October it was decided the fate of my competitions
though I wonder why the hell did I ever submitted an application, the notice seems
all decided since the profile of the winners
seems the picture of who is already there .
short, a charade that serves to regulate those who are not yet settled.
I'm making a better effort to study carving out chunks of time and energy
from hectic days of work from which I can not get out ...
... as well as studying on Saturdays and Sundays (or at least I try).
After the tests we take a romantic weekend starting from Friday
looking! book now you say ...
dilemma ... but if I wrote it? and if I set the hearing Friday that its impossible to pass
I say .....
It now booking ... no, I do not know ...
if I were a millionaire I would not have this dilemma ......
indeed I should not book early to get the discount ..
I should not even work for a living
and a nice raspberry
look at the whole system of the lottery ticket
a chance ... do not know what size impossible
Okay back to studying
decide tomorrow whether or not to book ..


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