Approval of the draft bill 'laying down rules for "the development of agricultural production from short chain and quality" OUTLINE DRAFT LAW ON RULES FOR EXPLOITATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS FROM CHAIN \u200b\u200bOF SHORT AND QUALITY. OUTLINE DRAFT LAW ON RULES FOR EXPLOITATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS FROM SHORT-CHAIN \u200b\u200bAND QUALITY.
1 (Purpose)
1. The present law, subject to the rules in materia di sicurezza alimentare, definisce i principi fondamentali in materia di mercati agricoli riservati alla vendita diretta da parte degli imprenditori agricoli, promuove la domanda e l’offerta dei prodotti agricoli a chilometro zero, provenienti da filiera corta, e dei prodotti agricoli di qualità, nonché lo sviluppo locale e una migliore conoscenza delle caratteristiche dei processi di trasformazione e delle tradizioni produttive e persegue i seguenti obiettivi:
a) stabilire i requisiti uniformi e gli standard per la realizzazione dei mercati agricoli riservati alla vendita diretta degli imprenditori agricoli, anche in riferimento alle modalità di vendita e alla trasparenza dei prezzi, alla sicurezza alimentare, alla tracciabilità agricultural products and mileage, with a preference for agricultural products which have a link with the production area;
b) to promote awareness and consumption of agricultural products produced in an environmentally friendly or related to the tradition and rural culture;
c) encourage, through the activities of government authorities, dissemination of agricultural markets and the success of direct selling in the interests of consumers.
2 (Definitions)
1. For the purposes of this Act:
a) for 'farmer', farmers enrolled in the register of companies;
b) for 'agricultural market sales diretta’, le aree pubbliche o private destinate all’esercizio dell’attività di vendita diretta dei prodotti agricoli da parte dei soli imprenditori agricoli;
c) per ‘disciplinare di mercato’, il documento che regola le modalità di vendita del mercato agricolo di vendita diretta;
d) per ‘prodotti agricoli a chilometro zero’, i prodotti agricoli provenienti da areali di produzione appartenenti all’ambito regionale in cui è ubicato il mercato agricolo di vendita diretta situati ad una distanza non superiore a 50 chilometri dal luogo in cui è effettuata la vendita ovvero ove è ubicato il mercato;
e) per ‘prodotti di qualità’, i prodotti agricoli the quality of which is held in accordance with Community legislation.
ART. 3
(Reserve space for the sale of agricultural products at zero kilometers from short chain and quality products)
1. Municipalities, subject to the provisions laid down by regions, reserve farmers, operators of direct sales of agricultural products referred to in Article 4 of Legislative Decree 18 May 2001, No 228, as amended, at least 20 percent of total retail stands in agricultural markets located in public areas.
2. In order to encourage the purchase and consumption of agricultural products at zero kilometers from short chain and product quality as well as provide adequate information to consumers on the origin and specificity of these products, our sales may restrict the sale of such products at least 30 percent of the total area.
3. Direct selling by farmers in the exercise of festivals, fairs, events of a religious, charitable or political, is not subject to notification under Article 4, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree 18 May 2001, No 228.
4 (concessions on construction)
1. The regions may include a reduction of 50 percent of the grant for the issuance of building permits and other documents authorized or concessions on building or planning for large sales organizations and shopping centers in which there is also the sale of agricultural products and that, upon request, undertake agricultural products to be sold at zero kilometers from short chain and quality products to not less in value terms, 30 percent of total agricultural production purchased on an annual basis.
2. The breach of the undertaking referred to in paragraph 1 within five years to the issue of granting the request, subject to the payment of the assistance with an interest rate two points higher than the legal from the date of grant aid provided in the same paragraph 1.
ART. 5
(Condizioni per la vendita nei mercati agricoli di vendita diretta)
1. Possono esercitare la vendita diretta nei mercati agricoli definiti all’articolo 2, gli imprenditori agricoli iscritti nel registro delle imprese che rispettino le seguenti condizioni:
a) vendita nei mercati agricoli di vendita diretta di prodotti agricoli ottenuti in Italia provenienti dalla propria azienda o, nel caso di impresa in forma societaria, dall’azienda dei soci imprenditori agricoli, anche ottenuti a seguito di attività di manipolazione o trasformazione, ovvero anche di prodotti agricoli di provenienza extra-aziendale nel rispetto del limite della prevalenza di cui all’articolo 2135 del codice civile;
b) possesso di documentazione, including tax and accounting, as proof of the origin of agricultural products offered for sale as provided in subparagraph a) and allow the progress of control referred to in Article 6.
2. Sales activity in the agricultural markets, direct sales shall be exercised by the holders of the company, or by the shareholders in the case of agricultural society, of a partnership or limited liability company, formed by farmers who exclusively engage activities aimed at the handling, storage, processing, marketing and promotion of agricultural products were sold by the members, the families of these adjuvants by staff employee of each company, as well as service companies specifically responsible.
3. They can not engage in direct sales to farmers, individuals or members of partnerships and legal persons whose directors have reported, in carrying out functions related to the position held in society, convictions with res judicata for crimes in terms of hygiene and health or fraud in the preparation of food in the five years preceding the beginning of the year. The ban takes effect for a period of five years from the passage of the sentence become final.
6 (Establishment of markets Farm direct sales)
1. The municipalities, consortia or associations also can set up agricultural markets for direct sales that meet the standards set out in this law. In compliance with those standards, agricultural markets can also be formed at the initiative of individual entrepreneurs, affiliates, or through their associations with submission of a declaration of beginning activity, containing a commitment to compliance with the provisions of this Act, and market discipline in Article 2 of this Act. The farmers market can begin to operate thirty days after receipt of the declaration by the municipality in whose territory the market agriculture and the management of it can be serviced by a company specifically mandated.
2. Municipalities notify the institution of agricultural markets, direct sales to the agriculture departments of regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.
3. Regions biannual report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry information on the establishment of direct sales of agricultural markets.
4. The exercise of sales in the agricultural markets, direct sales, in accordance with the provisions of article 4 of Legislative Decree 31 March 1998, No 114, and Article 4 of Legislative Decree May 18, 2001, No 228, is not subject to the rules on trade.
5. The agricultural market for direct sale is subject to the control of the municipality in which land is situated, and the State Forestry Corps and other law enforcement agencies. The audit aims to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Act and the specification of the market, and, in the case of multiple violations committed in different times, may be willing to close the market.
ART. 7
(Terms of sale and quality of agricultural products)
1. In agricultural markets, direct sales comply with the hygiene rules laid down in Regulation No EC 852/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of 29 April 2004 and subject to inspection by the competent authorities, are offered for sale only agricultural products conform to the regulations on food hygiene, which are labeled in compliance with the regulations in force for individual agricultural products and an indication of the place of origin of the land and producer.
ART. 8
(Activities allowed in agricultural markets, direct sales)
1. Within the agricultural markets, direct sales is admitted to the practice of processing of agricultural products by farmers in compliance with sanitation regulations.
ART. 9
(Attività di informazione)
1. I comuni, le regioni e le province autonome di Trento e di Bolzano, il Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali, nell’ambito delle ordinarie dotazioni di bilancio, promuovono azioni di informazione per i consumatori sulle caratteristiche qualitative dei prodotti agricoli posti in vendita nei mercati agricoli di vendita diretta.
ART. 10
1. Il Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali, d’intesa con le regioni e le province autonome di Trento e di Bolzano, effettua, nell’ambito delle ordinarie dotazioni di bilancio, un monitoraggio annuale dei mercati agricoli di vendita diretta.
ART. 11
(Regioni special status and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano)
1. The provisions of this Act shall also apply to the special regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, as compatible with their respective statutes and implementing rules.
ART. 12
(Clause invariance financial)
1. The implementation of the provisions of this Act shall not derive new or increased burdens on public finances.