With reference to statements made by the Mayor on Desenzani Gazzettino two weeks ago, the PDL has responded with a statement posted on the latest edition of the magazine. I'll propose.
"In response to the Mayor on the issue of the Pharmacy PDL Carpenedolo issued a statement which states: The Mayor, as usual, try to" dodge "the criticism of minorities, pointing to the same not know the rules of operation of the municipal administration. We do this to the Mayor that the PDL has instead understood the logic of the priority adopted by the center-which decided to cut by more than € 200,000 the funds earmarked in the 2010 budget for the construction of asylum Via Cervi allocating these resources to the birth of the new pharmacy. Like all citizens can imagine, to make an investment as the new kindergarten Via Cervi, you must set aside each year in the municipal budget a fixed amount. The majority has decided to delete the provision in 2010 for the new asylum and allocated it to the pharmacy: it actually means to delay the construction of another year of kindergarten, at this point, we do not know if you see the light before end of the current electoral mandate. A choice that we share as we do not share the Mayor's statement issued a few days ago, which states that the pharmacy is the overriding priority for 2011. The PDL, in line with its election program, supported the creation of the new pharmacy but believes that in time of crisis like this, the social sector and school are preferable to other initiatives. We believe it is necessary to invest resources to help families in difficulty, the elderly and offer students carpenedolesi modern and safe school facilities. "
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