Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gay Cruising Spot In New York

of honor - no guarantees but only in part

Il prestito d'onore è un finanziamento mirato ad aiutare i giovani imprenditori, questi, per richiederlo dovranno essere maggiorenni, disoccupati da almeno sei mesi e devono risiedere nelle aree obbiettivo I.: Calabria, Sicilia, Sardinia, Basilicata, Puglia, Campania and II target areas or areas exempted: Molise, Abruzzo and a number of municipalities in North Italy. Since we're talking of loans without guarantees, because we see the honor loans can be defined at least in part this: 60% of the total grant request, which should not be returned, but the rest (40%) will be settled in more than five years. The sum
requests it has a ceiling of € 129,114.00, but this limit varies depending on the type of business you want to start, the sum mentioned is on small firms, while self-employment and franchising are lower.


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