Thursday, January 13, 2011

Word World And Birthday

PM The hangover justicialist

La sentenza della Corte costituzionale di ieri non ha soltanto incrinato pesantemente lo scudo a tutela del diritto e del dovere di svolgere liberamente le proprie funzioni da parte delle alte cariche dello Stato. Ha anche scalfito in profondità una più generale difesa, meno contingente e occasionale, di ognuno di noi dal male oscuro del giustizialismo, an infectious disease, contagious and determined that for seventeen years, the descent into the field of Silvio Berlusconi today, became acute suspect after suspect, charge after charge, trial after trial. Poisoning is not only not so much the politics but, far more serious and disastrous for the country, social, cultural and relationship. Determined to require judges to consider, case by case basis, whether there are actually reasons for such failure to the head of government and ministers, and then made part of the mouth, while looking Solomonic See a difficult mediation has finished yet time to share with a shot of razor ideas, ideologies, passions and beliefs. The crowd yesterday afternoon, radunata davanti al palazzo della Consulta, a Roma, per festeggiare la sentenza; i commenti euforici che hanno cominciato a rimbalzare da un sito all’altro della sinistra mediatica (il titolo, a caratteri conosciuti solo ai tipografi della Notte, che campeggiava sull’home page del Fatto quotidiano «Consulta, stop a legittimo impedimento. Berlusconi torna sotto processo», sembrava mancare solo di un «finalmente!»), e il popolo viola che inneggiava, non solo metaforicamente, in piazza, sono solo gli aspetti più folkloristici della furia giustizialista e giacobina in cui a volte sembra precipitare il Paese.
Dietro, e meglio, dentro tutto questo, c’è una forma mentis che attanaglia anche le menti migliori of the opposition and not Berlusconi, who - by participating in the toast left over for every award is contrary to manettara Knight - reinforcing the "reasonable suspicion" that feeds seventeen years a non-minority in the country: that the judiciary more than a highway that is too a shortcut to solve problems, not of law but of politics.
Seventeen years. Seventeen years of innuendo, half truths, slander, accusations, complaints, media campaigns and hatred. Seventeen years of obsession executioner who has not only tarnished the Prime Minister but all the Italians who in turn chose to be represented by Forza Italy or by the People of Freedom - according to the equation: Berlusconi is the absolute evil, all those who are ignorant vote, mobsters and tax evaders - but also the rest of the country compared to Berlusconi seeks a political and not judicial. Contributing greatly, so, in Italy in its cage in its paradoxes and contradictions much more than it was (and is) necessary. Justicialism did not just allegations, foaming at the mouth, handcuffs and champagne. And growing stronger, has given rise to cultural trends, movements of opinion and even political parties. Ended up screwing up themselves and losing sight of all the different possible solutions to create a different country. It is the short-sightedness of those who believe that breaking down Silvio Berlusconi with a ruling by a popular vote instead of Italy will return immediately (as if seventeen years it is not at all) free, democratic, egalitarian. And the rage that blinds.
About right. A magistrate famous, as famous public occasion, said that "if justice is a value you do not understand how his research can become a negative value. Obviously, a justice pursued with illegal or immoral ways would no longer justice ...». There. The idea, after the last seventeen years, is that when the dock is a citizen who called Silvio Berlusconi, a prescindere da contesto, accusa, difesa, carte e testimoni, la legittima sete di giustizia tenda a diventare un’ubriacatura, e l’ansia di riparare un torto un processo inquisitoriale. A pagarne le spese, in questo caso, non è solo l’imputato. Ma l’intera cittadinanza.
Gli uomini che amministrano la giustizia, dal 1994 a ieri sera, hanno pronunciato centinaia, anzi migliaia di articoli. Di fronte ai quali, però, fa fede forse il più importante della Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo, contro l’uso strumentale o sproporzionato del potere giudiziario. Quello che recita: «Ogni individuo ha diritto, in posizione di piena uguaglianza, ad una equa e pubblica udienza davanti an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and duties, as well as the merits of any criminal charge that is sent. " A lot of people who do not chew right, net of sophistry and tangles, it seems that the adjectives "fair" hearing and referred to "independent and impartial tribunal referred to, are more and more - in each" case "policy of the last two decades - more hope than a certainty. The impression that we tried last night.


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