Friday, February 18, 2011

7.1 Mid Range Receiver

Quei guru tromboni che annunciavano i radiosi successi di Fini

Gianfranco Fini and his party have a great future behind-king. While freedom and Future disintegrates after senator senator, deputy after deputy, it is inevitable pen-Sare to sophisticated analysis of political scientists and re-annotated. Who, after guar-up into the crystal ball, had announced to the vol-go: the future belongs President of the Chamber. Arrange the analysis. Ac-cording Eugenio Scalfari, Fi-ing established "an impor-tant step forward for the no-s-four countries and the end of Berlusconi's self-enchantment." Massimo Cacciari, praised be overcoming the barriers and declared: "The PDL does not stand for this, I look to Fini." An-that Pierluigi Battista, a so-prudent shore, off balance-go: after stressing "the dramatic failure of Berlusconi," says that "the party of Fini has been born in Perugia" ap-Parisse "instead as a political force true projection of of a core of authenticity about the Italian center-no. "

short, only the former Leader of the Alliance, supported by the brains of Farefuturo, had the right recipe for another right: respon-sible, libertarian, modern, open to dialogue. Above all antiberlusconiana. Faced with this last detail, newspapers enemies, as the Republic of pun-to-white became friends. A long-Cor also barriers della Sera and Il Sole-24 ore wink with sympathy. Ran professors, directors, film-tografari the other side policy: from Julius Giorello Giacomo Marramao pas-sando per Moni Ovadia.

La Rcs libri, guidata da Pao­lo Mieli, pubblicò il manife­sto-Il futuro della libertà fir­mato da Gianfranco Fini. Poi venne il Terzo Polo e fu subito descritto dagli «esperti» come la casa de­gli autentici moderati. I gu­ru dei sondaggi, a canali unificati, diedero la lieta novella: l’alleanza tra Fini, Casini e Rutelli era destina­t­a a erodere il bacino eletto­rale della maggioranza. In costante crescita il consen­so: 13 per cento, 18 per cen­to, 22 per cento a Ballarò nel novembre 2010. Gradi­mento personale per Fini alle stelle.

Un entusiasmo popular of which was not there-is-track with the recent entry of the Future and Freedom held in Milan. Yeah. Because in the meantime, without asking for permission to political scientists, the project has shown its true face . big words I spent the past few months have proved disproportionate supply policy, summed up almost exclusively in justicialism manettaro (which should make horror to those who proclaimed libertarian, both right and left).

As for the pluralism of the new deployment, when the historian and political scientist Alessandro Campi Sofia Ventura have dared to express dissent to the party line, or rather lack thereof, have been silenced by Farefuturo. Contradictions and the Future of Freedom exploded. What is the point where they should live in a liberal party (a few) and state (many), superlatives and Catholics? None. What happened may have a right-wing party that makes the war to a friendly government and tries on the left side? None. In fact, after the debacle of last Dec. 14, the day when the government won the confidence ratifying the irrelevance of Finian, Future and freedom came apart. It could be expected? Yes "experts" but do not care about details like the fact that before his eyes.

(Alessandro Gnocchi)


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