Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Newborn Has Lots Of Flem In Throat

I trafficanti di notizie padroni della sinistra

Because there is more than one Autonomous policy of the Italian left? Because the op-position is governed from outside, by journalists who are judges, eavesdropped, the pornoromanzieri, and judges who traffic in known-aunts with journalists? The left-wing Italian journalist is arrogant, is self-righteous (the vocabulary that is considered morally superior, moralistic, bigoted). He can not stand that someone gets in attack mode, criticizing him, you defend from a position of equality. Do not look for the other party does not accept challenges ac-valleresche (true, Scalfari?). I felt myself to a mission that lost-guages \u200b\u200bwithout real risks-but so does the buttock. Think of working free-mind for the good of the cause, and for the good in general. Dissen-you will not tolerate that they do not force it, copy it into a comedy written by him same, with protagonists and antagonist-sti invented in order to re-welcomes the reader or viewer, his inclination to respectable audiences. There are exceptions, but they are very rare. The artist, writer, jurist, Professor politically correct know-no variations of this social figure of the left-wing Italian journalist, and writes mostly in newspapers or know-no (as he said, smiling Sergio Saviane) 'masters of tokens' te-Levis. Attend voluptuous mind-places in which there is much more than art in the academy or their true psychological identity, expressed their resentment social an infinite presumption of innocence ol-three third, fourth and fifth instance. Their idol is the unacknowledged market in the sense of the term co-idolaters: copies sold, lovingly paid premiums, the share of voice, the popularity of cheap, the one that wins Dicen-do your people what your People want to hear. There is no skill in this, there is never any surprise there is no invention. Skills, invent-it-yourself and unpredictability are considered mischievous, cynical qualities of temperament that can be so ro-bust, and can also be incarnated in some intelligence, but it is ine-quivocabilmente voted to evil mo-ment, the duplicity, a Mephistopheles-hydraulics failure of grace. They are willing to more clever manipulations, but always and only in the framework of this strange theology, the salvation is administered by the public, a mystical body and judicial cante than the electorate, the bit-pole, the average daily miseries of man-mo. Look at the diaries of Monta-nelli It was one of us, a prince-l'ambivalenza, a man in full inclusion in the Palace of political policy, any di talento, un gran pettegolo, un bel conservatore pieno di autoironia e di vanità dichia­­rata, un anticomunista e un italiano purissimo rassegnato amorevolmen­te a dannare e ad amare, con la riser­va dell’ironia e dell’intelligenza, il ca­rattere suo e dei suoi compatrioti. Ne hanno fatto un feticcio ideologico, in vecchiaia. Montanelli era il profeta dell’uomo comune, e faceva opinio­ne in questa veste; i suoi adoratori sa­crileghi schiacciano invece l’uomo medio sotto il peso di un’opinione che lo forgia, lo sovrasta, lo guida co­me una marionetta. I liberal america­ni, anche quando furono travolti da una variante eccentrica e molto im­probabile di comunismo a stelle e strisce, come avvenne al musicista dell’età di Roosevelt Aaron Copland, dedicarono al common man inni e fanfare con orchestre squillanti di ot­toni. I nostri guru di sinistra invece lo disprezzano, lo considerano la schiu­ma della terra, lo vogliono ridotto al silenzio. L’opinion,creatura dell’illu­minismo radicale nato in Francia, re­alizza l’utopia di un eroismo colletti­vo, arrembante, canterino, in cui non c’è spazio per il mito democrati­co anglosassone temperato da una autentica cultura liberale, per l’indi­viduo e per il cittadino. The ruling class left, then-the bread that won the noble policy making elected to Parliament, practicing the exchange and negotiation, experiencing and learning from the mistakes of one art-king forces in view of possible objectives- ; them, realistic, and it was snowed-dall'opinio by his bosses. The owners of l'opinione-have become the masters of politics. They are the new masters of steam, to use the formula of the original shareholders and radical-Erne'm Ross. Their tender offer, a perfect purchase / sales of influence and prestige, but the transhumance of those who cross the line up and down, unfolds at bargain prices: invent a lea-der a day, this condition im-pious, measure the habitats of-the-'informazione-chip classes according to their respectability and deference to the predecessor . The Right has chosen a master, an outsider, one who moves like an elephant in Italy wig glassware, corporate, and establishment of its fragile and insecure. The op-Union bosses have chosen the left, and the ten-Gono tightly between their hands.

(Giuliano Ferrara)


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