But we are sure that there is a little piece of Italy unavailable as we are to give in to the Puritans and Palasharp Republic? We gather in a theater Milanese people for whom the party of militants pm, and pornogallery wiretapping, spying on a personal and moralistic hypocrisy is unfit to lead Italy, as the Economist once said of Berlusconi? We are in his underwear, but alive. And with William Shakespeare, who knew life and passions of the world better than Eco and Zagrebelsky, we can say what he says his immortal sonnet 121.
'It's better to be vile than to be regarded as such, for they not be producing the same accusation, / and you lose a legitimate pleasure not because it is vile, / but because it is thought by others. / Why fake eyes of other corrupt / should interfere with the vagaries of My blood? / And, my vices, for the most vicious spies / should misjudge what I consider a good thing? / No, I am what I am: and those that they take it / with my guilt are not deal with them. / Can I be honest and they can be false, / but my facts are not to be judged by their suspicions, / except that they do not come to this terrible conclusion: that all men are bad and evil in their triumph. "
We are a small community of readers. Perhaps we need to mobilize again and as we know. With the aim of exposing a minority ethic heavy, rich, compact, self-confident, he wants to clean up Italy in nome di criteri fondamentalisti e totalitari. Le minoranze etiche spesso sono rispettabili. Vedono quello che non vede l’uomo comune impigliato nella vita quotidiana. Nel nostro passato seppero essere eroiche, testimoniarono in molti modi l’idealismo introvabile nei “costumi degli italiani” e nel loro “stato presente” che dura dai tempi di Leopardi, da due secoli almeno (un paginone all’interno parla di questo). Ma questa minoranza etica è diversa dalle altre. E’ mossa da orgoglio, da superbia, da interessi consolidati e visibili. E fa un uso smodato della morale, fino a ferire il significato, la forza residua e l’autonomia della politica repubblicana. Della stessa democrazia liberale, alla quale oppongono un inaudito idolo virtuoso che chiamano Costituzione.
Dicono che il presidente del Consiglio si comporta male, e magari non si è comportato meravigliosamente bene in parecchie occasioni. Ma è questo il problema? Siamo convinti di no. Il problema è che vogliono mettergli le mani addosso per evidenti ragioni politiche alimentate da spirito facinoroso e da avversione antropologica a un’Italia popolare rigettata e odiata; ma non basta, dichiarano di voler “andare oltre” Berlusconi, bandiscono una crociata puritana in cui arruolano anche i tredicenni, allagano ogni spazio informativo gridando alla libertà di stampa conculcata, parlano con disprezzo del denaro di cui hanno piene le tasche e le minds, meddle in other's blood without tantrums to deal with their faults, shaking the female body as a symbol of shame. Spy, cut, look through the keyhole, and are inculcated in a generation of Italian contempt for politics. A minority ethic worthy of the name should be able to distinguish between conflicts and political institutions work.
These virtuous Taliban but risk nothing and have a world to win, they must be called into question by an Italy that does not feel superior and does not claim for itself the chrism of virginal purity. Why not give life to a campaign of public denunciation and passion? What do you think? Do you feel to be part of a minority that has nothing to teach but does not accept sermons from pulpits without decency and sense of limits?
(Giuliano Ferrara)
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