Strali and syllogisms. Jeers and curses. Provocations and crusades. With the return of Giuliano Ferrara on television from tonight we are all a little 'richer, just like . The richest of freedom, pluralism, especially intelligence. And that is just the claim that his detractors repeating van, which will grow above him, with the fees (three thousand euro per episode) secured by Mamma Rai. Whichever way you look at them five minutes daily Qui Radio London - and watch them many, immediately after the Tg1 - its editorials bring something new and unconventional in the too often puerile little village Global Noantri. They should share all or part of its positions, with the elephant is always worth the effort to confront. We do this for many years we, the figure, with a bevy of conductors which disapprove of almost everything. Yet we respect the freedom of expression, even if supported by the evidence of audience and the other offset freedom, far from trivial, to operate the remote control and go elsewhere. Here: always better to add a new voice, rather than pretending to silence some of dislike. Especially if you add that have unusual colors as in the case of the Director of the sheet. There are homologous, there are similar movement. Giuliano Ferrara is not a theatrical conductor who transformed their own talk show in an arena seething. It is not a diligent reporter who, while blending, channeling the water with the usual zeal for the mill. Interviewer is not fake tank, not a hostess that filters likes and dislikes towards guests drawn to some posh lounge. Above all, television is not a creature, a product of the share, a face of primetime. Unlike almost all politicians and many commentators, including those fielded by his own hand, when Ferrari starts to speak before you do not know where going to end. He thought strong, sound arguments, deep and broad culture, rationality to sell.
last year, clashes between power and the tensions that have also affected the world of communication are changing the political life in a big butcher between opposing factions. Not that it was foreign Ferrara, far from it. Just remember the gathering of a few weeks ago with a lot of underwear waving at Teatro Dal Verme in Milan. But tonight is as if, in the butcher, the elephant came to us with all corpaccione and sharp tongue. Only that it will be with the surgeon's scalpel of thought. "I have taken refuge abroad to speak ill of all - promises in the spot of the program - from Garibaldi to Berlusconi, from government to opposition, the judiciary by Napolitano to the Pope .. No, not the Pope. I am a tipaccio, but they are devoted. " More likely the favorite target will be the cultural elites who "make me a rash." To be clear, the protagonists of the new puritanical and moralistic crusade led by Gustavo Zagrebelsky and Umberto Eco, having to work a few weeks ago Palasharp Milan. And then, there will be no wonder that the diatribe and invective will move on cultural and philosophical terrain. But certainly there will be bored. The temperature rise further controversy. Yet the quality of the dialectic. They know well his opponents. no coincidence that as soon as the news circulated del ritorno in prima linea dell’Elefantino, i guru della libertà d’informazione, stavolta un po’ dimentichi della lezione volteriana («Non condivido ciò che dice, ma sono disposto a morire affinché tu lo dica»), hanno alzato un gran fuoco di sbarramento. Tuttavia è sicuro che stasera anche Marco Travaglio e Michele Serra, Michele Santoro e Concita De Gregorio saranno sintonizzati su Raiuno. Chi invece rischierà di perderselo è Eugenio Scalfari, che ha lasciato cadere il ripetuto invito dello stesso Ferrara a un duello televisivo. Subito dopo l’esordio di Qui Radio Londra, il fondatore di Repubblica sarà ospite di Otto e mezzo. Chissà, forse per commentarlo a caldo e poter ribattere, senza il pericolo di un noioso contraddittorio.
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