Eugenio Montale diceva che «la semplicità è difficile a farsi». La riforma della giustizia non è un testo poetico, ma si compone di cose molto semplici. Berlusconi si è fi­nalmente deciso a provarci sul serio. E, naturalmente, siccome siamo un Pa­ese in cui i guru dell’opinione pubbli­ca di sinistra si comportano in modo sempre più fanatico, e incivile, si sta scatenando l’inferno. Un inferno fatto di menzogne, di manipolazioni, di de­pistaggi. La più grave manomissione è che i magistrati dell’accusa, those that make activism and corporate sin-Statutory Auditors a platform for waging war to the "absolute enemy", have condemned a proposal by the governors not to Parliament even before the read-and that certainly has declared a general mobilization in the country and the compliant media. The partisan fight a part of the Horde-n-e judiciary against the legislature-vo, unheard of in a country liberal-lunque here, is an institutional scandal. And the president of the Superior Council of Magistracy, which is the head of state Giorgio Napolitano, will probably inevitable pushed in the wake of his pre-ceding interventions, to recall the prosecutor, not only with his moral persuasion but with his powers of chief magistrate of Italy, respect for co-tution. In some cases, the exercise pro-priority duty of moral persuasion is done af-a simplicity that is not "diffi-cult to be 'provide one with the toga-consultancy in institutional system performance when required, and conduct in their delicate little-lytic function without distraction and without aggression towards those who have power and duty to write the leg-ge in the magistrates have to confine themselves to be "the mouth". Without a fair-operation with a non-governing institution, and the honest Napolitano is the first to know by virtue of his long political experience. But we come to the simple elements of the law reform is made. The first is that the magistrate should be equated with the defender, while judges who must stand above the parties. This is the "separation of careers." Without it, there is no true justice, there is a cave-sca caricature of justice. If the defense lawyer is a beggar-standing barely tolerated by the public as co-prosecutor who investigates and promotes the charge is a colleague who will give the above, works with him, does the same career, he supports the same offices, with the judge has a daily fre-q-uentazione and a community of corporate and professional interests, the justice is denied in the root. If who follows tomorrow today-can be judged, and vice versa, adding insult to the denial. The second element is the responsi-bility to the people in the profession as a magistrate. If a officials all wrong, and perhaps intentionally or otherwise-of the overwhelming re-cts of the citizen, that official pa-ga reasonable consequences error, is civilly liable for his behavior. Without this rule, the officer of the Registry sleepy and absent-minded can take in raspberries when we ask for a certificate of coffee per hour. And irre-sponsibility of judges have more serious consequences of a mockery or a delay in issuing an identity card - identity: it weighs on people's lives, their honor, on the affects on health on the freedom of us all. The third simple truth is that you can not be tried a second vol-ta after being acquitted. Why? It's easy to say. The right Anglo-Saxon states that one can be convicted only if they are considered born guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt" (the lawyer Perry Mason in the old TV series had on this re-located to guarantee the real culprit and exonerate the inno- percent). The exclusion of every possible shade of opinion is an objective anchor, a decisive guarantee for civil liberties. The principle is that we can deliver the award on "liberal-ro conviction of the court," a cri-rion purely subjective. We must instead the freedom of the judge is an objectivity-pluck of a certainty as the basis per un giudizio nel giusto processo. Ed è ovvio che una sentenza di assoluzione lascia e lascerà sempre un ragionevole dubbio nell’aria, an­che se nel giudizio di appello arrivasse una condanna. Dunque: niente dop­pio processo una volta che l’imputato sia assolto perché manca una assoluta certezza processuale. A sinistra e tra i magistrati non fazio­si cresce da anni la consapevolezza che queste riforme liberali sarebbero un progresso decisivo. Da Falcone a Violante a molti altri, anche giovani in­­sofferenti dei vecchi schemi bellige­ranti, i fautori della separazione delle carriere di ieri e di oggi non si contano. I capi burocratizzati della sinistra, i rot­tamandi, raise their voices to cover these doubts . So do the prosecutors that exchange for the right of a bayonet stab in the civic and the political enemy. A Berlusconi and Alfano it dun-que to speak a language constant, patient, persuasive and never arrogant. And the battle is won. The Italians who judge a referendum known for years that the ethics malagiustizia is an obstacle to their freedom and a material impediment to development.
(Giuliano Ferrara)
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