Friday, December 31, 2010
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Dear friend I write
sung by a number of years ago
song became something of a hymn of the new year, every year
song that really speaks to the lack of freedom of speech
and barricades at the window, and other things forbidden. Not
But without hope of change.
And I would like to wake up this year without a hitch
with more sunshine and lightness
better luck with the weakest,
and not for the usual four
bastards in power with less political controversy and bullshit
future with more building
with more love and warmth.
Maybe it's just a dream like John Lennon said
but they are not alone in dreaming.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
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It was enough for me a day off to prepare everything you need for your trip
also because it seems absolutely essential, but in fact nothing is really needed.
But in the end I managed to maximize space and now I rest
hot shower and relax because tomorrow is waiting for me ... I have to go up early one morning. What
fatigue .. why will you say after you die a little.
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"Dear Santa,
under the tree this year we would like to find a different country. Carpenedolo not pretend that turns into New York so much glitter and colored lights, we would like to see him only more handsome, more polished, more welcoming. We want a clean Fossa Magna, parks with grass regularly, the roads without too many holes and street lights that work. As the Mayor of my country continues to repeat every day and every hour that there is no money then we turn to you, dear Santa Claus, hoping that at least you listen to us. But a gift we want most of all, dear Santa:
the city council of 30 September carpenedolese the left, represented by the majority and the minority of the advisor list "Carpenedolo Change," has given our group a violent attack by the mere fact of having filed a motion (passed by Pdl, Lega, Carpenedolo Center and an adviser for the majority) which reiterated the support of Mary Immaculate Primary School, which, according to Deputy Mayor and Councillor Tafelli Bresciani, should be available to accommodate a large number of foreigners to meet the difficulties of the other nurseries in the area. With regard to this matter, the Vice President
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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The group vice president at the Ca-Fli merely proposes the establishment of a consultation-ta 'to deal with ethical issues within the PDN, ie gay marriage, the law end of life, adoption by single , fecondazio-assisted it. " For Moroni, in short, the laws estab-lish ethics "can not be dictated to by an external politica», cioè la Chiesa. Né vale la «disciplina di partito», ma deve essere lasciata «libertà di coscien­za». Se così non sarà, la Moroni sosterrà «azioni o iniziative promosse da altri su questi temi». È una vera sfida e Luca Volontè dell’Udc le risponde duramente. Ricorda che il Pdn si ispira al popolarismo europeo. «Chiara Moroni rincorre Pannella e spara fuoco amico sul Polo della Nazione? Nel Ppe i va­lori cristiani, la dignità della persona (dal concepimento alla morte naturale), fami­glia, libertà sociale, economia sociale di mercato sono imprescindibili». Posizioni che sembrano inconciliabili. It is a minefield of issues that "label-cally sensitive" with the Catholics of iron as Casini and Binetti on one side and lay representatives of the center as Fini and other Moroni. In the past, the presi-dent of the Chamber considered too restrictive rules on the hetero-fertilization neurologists, siding with the front referendum dario (radical, secular and leftist forces) and has held the living will, described as' from state ethical. "
The PDL knows that this will be one of the first test case for the PDN. And the leader Maurizio Gasparri, announced that the House will soon open debate on euta-Nasia and living wills. They pass a few hours and you have some internal difficulties in the centrist-explode in the declarations of Moroni. ready to battle for it in PDN-"it promotes a free-discussion on ethical issues and civil rights, but gay-marriages', in accordance with democratic-left and the positions of all freedom of opinion. Carlo Giovanardi for this is clear evidence that the third prong is "a big misunderstanding is intended to put to bankruptcy." The positions 'secularist and libertarian' of-the Moroni, said Undersecretary to the Presidency, on Act 40, will bio-cal and other bioethical issues are "completely unrelated" to the government line.
Monday, December 20, 2010
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I do not like this time not because you hate christmas
but particularly because it seems that if you do not do some things
you can not spend the holidays quietly celebrate something
absolutely must be seen to greet each run run run Now if you
is run to see my friends and my closest friends
is fine, but what I really can not stand are the party in office
anyone who wants at all costs to organize the Christmas party and
comincia a parlare da novembre facendo la questua
(si perchè ti tocca pure pagare, dieci euro su base obbligatoria se partecipi alla festa)
cosi se non partecipi sei una persona asociale e un pò tirchia
ma se poi ti adatti per quieto vivere
ti tocca sorbirti quelle facce da culo che normalmente non sopporti e fargli pure gli auguri.
E' vero ci sono alcuni colleghi ai quali vuoi bene e che ti sono molto simpatici,
ovviamente con loro faresti sempre festa allegramente anche senza aspettare il natale.
Questi ultimi lo ammetto non costituiscono la maggioranza.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
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Friday, December 17, 2010
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Tra la frenesia del Natale e il freddo pungente
mi sento sempre più insofferente
E il momento più felice
of the day has become one in which I lay on my couch warm
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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Monday, December 13, 2010
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Sunday, December 5, 2010
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The motion is that of the earthquake on Sunday morning ... ...
vibrating movement while I was basking in the warmth of my bed
And to think that a few days ago I found a little 'peace on my mind messed up I began
to relax and that's almost a shock ..
.. it seems that I heard myself and a couple of friends.
Sunday passes between resolution of technical problems on this unknown decoder, cinema, Indian restaurant and pleasant company.
admit, however, that the shock of 3:50 in the morning I worry a lot more
The recurrence is not not at all reassuring
I am reminded of the Abruzzo, San Giuliano and that November 23, 1980 still in the minds and hearts .. can not sleep.