Thursday, December 30, 2010

Burst Capillaries Cost Laser

Recommended Danilo Ravarini

We offer an article by Pierluigi Battista published in" Future "which is the syndrome that afflicts many men see that the left always and everywhere new "fascism" on the horizon. In particular, we suggest reading Danilo Ravarini that the last issue of "Info Pd" has compiled a blacklist of characters that Italians, in his opinion, represent the worst the worst of our Italy (of course they could not miss the insults to our Prime Minister). Among these there is also Marchionne, the author, along with some trade unions leaders, a real change in trade unions and labor in general.
"... A Mirafiori reborn 'all of the tyrant." Fear of post-fascist democracy from the very beginning, to give themselves powerless in the hands of those who decide and that too, deciding too, would eventually look for a new leader too. The terror of the new 'fascism', the new "authoritarianism." That in these days takes the form of Sergio Marchionne. The new face of an old psycho-political projection. The new target of a tic of the old left, he saw and sees new 'fascism' always and everywhere. The more explicit in the approach was Giorgio Cremaschi, who read out in the Mirafiori signed by CISL and UIL (but only for him an odious and undemocratic diktat) the seeds of 'fascism', in fact. Susanna Camusso was more tenuous, but essentially within the framework of a similar complaint: "authoritarian and illiberal." Di Pietro, as usual, unaware of each lexical prudence, has produced the summary Marchionne as an example of fascist authoritarianism. " The danger of an "authoritarian drift" Marchionne combines the figures of the left who have not always shared in recent years, choices and passwords, by Sergio Cofferati to Mario Tronti, da Fausto Bertinotti a Rossana Rossanda. Sempre il fascismo alle porte, sia pur in nuove forme. La fobia del comando. Il decisionismo come vizio autoritario. Il pericolo di una «sterzata», di una «deriva», di una «svolta» come cemento emotivo per la costruzione demonizzante del nemico, vissuto ogni volta come minaccia, come rottura traumatica di una consuetudine democratica. O di un rito consociativo. O di un tavolo concertativo dove non prevale mai nessuno, e la decisione è per sua natura «condivisa». Ma è vero? Oppure è il retaggio di una sindrome molto diffusa nella cultura della sinistra che nel richiamo all’«unità antifascista» contro i nuovi tiranni ha fondato una parte critical of his way of being and thinking, even at the cost of a mental and cultural conservatism hard to die? was accused of being responsible for a new season of "fascist" even Alcide De Gasperi, when, returning from that trip to the U.S. at the dawn of the Cold War fired by the government socialists and communists for ever breaking the cohesion of the forces that had done with the Resistance. It was customary for the champions of the "new strength" whistling in ceremonies on April 25, representatives of the Christian Democrats accused of failing to stem the slide towards a new "fascism." "Fanfascista" was sarcastically branded Amintore Fanfani, expression of a vocation "authoritarian" he wanted to (vainly, as is known) to find climbing to the Quirinal formal completion. Became "authoritarian" in the eyes of the left that was recognized in the Communist Party, the Craxi creator and engine of a 'Great Reform' institutional presidentialism that had as its cornerstone. Because this was considered every model of Republic presidential golpismo pure state, authoritarian model, excess Decision is therefore para-dictatorial. Anyway, it was widespread in the culture of the left that the primary matrix of a new fascism in post-war De Gaulle was presidentialism. A paradox: a new French fascist the only important that in June of '40, in the days of France humiliated and overtaken by the Nazis, called the Anti-Hitler in the name of national dignity from his exile in London. But the paradox is the soul of the syndrome of "fascist threat" to the gates. A compulsion to repeat that offers many replicas of the same plot political and mental, while the changing circumstances and characters. The boots that Mussolini's political satire had to wear the fez Craxi became the fierce left-wing press had limestone Silvio Berlusconi in the fall of '93, even before the formal "descent into the field," the man who, quirk of history, was already in the odor of fascism for its support for the "fascist" Gianfranco Fini in the race for mayor of Rome. Berlusconi became Then the decision maker in the current mentality of the left a "fascist," "authoritarian" and "César" for its exclusive demerits and not through intermediaries. But Cossiga, in the era of its greatest fury esternatoria, was accused of using the pick to dismantle the system inherited from the resistance and pave the way for a new "authoritarian model." A syndrome, indeed. Attitude to read every break the established framework with the same distorting glasses of the past. The obsession with anti-decisions that tend dismisses as "fascist" or other "authoritarian" each no choice but to submit to the liturgy of the crippling co-decision. That's why the 'American' Sergio Marchionne is referred to as the European and Italian epithets, regardless of merit, of course, debatable, of his proposals. Decide, and then hatching in itself a disease "authoritarian." The left has often lost, because of this crippling syndrome. But the lessons of history are almost never heard .


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