Thursday, December 23, 2010

Benzoin Essential Oil Preserve

letter of wishes to Santa Claus

Dear friends,
now the Christmas season is coming and we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2011. It 'been a year intense we put another piece in the construction of the new group was born during the 2009 elections. In recent months we have always tried to maintain a responsible attitude but do not forget that our role as opposition group is to tell things as they are no ifs or buts. Our attitude, free from conditioning and subterfuge, it is precisely the reason of the many attacks we have suffered and that hurt us in the future. Being free from the criterion of profit is a valuable commodity and we treasure it because it allows us to "shake your shoes" in front of large and small teasing us are reserved. If before we take any initiative we calculated the amount of expletives that would not have expected even begun to oppose or to mediate, we would have reduced left and right to keep open all the doors. The willingness to "sell" their ideals is very widespread and the last few months have been an important test to see what's really care about the people who directly or indirectly involved in the political life of our country. The view on the left side is very "fluid" because they started "approach maneuvers" that are visible to everyone, even non-experts. As already mentioned, we, on the contrary, we prefer to grow stronger and make our project while maintaining freedom of action and opposition: this is what we will do in the future.
We salute you and wish you a Christmas with the article of our group published the latest issue of "Life of Carpenedolo.

"Dear Santa,

under the tree this year we would like to find a different country. Carpenedolo not pretend that turns into New York so much glitter and colored lights, we would like to see him only more handsome, more polished, more welcoming. We want a clean Fossa Magna, parks with grass regularly, the roads without too many holes and street lights that work. As the Mayor of my country continues to repeat every day and every hour that there is no money then we turn to you, dear Santa Claus, hoping that at least you listen to us. But a gift we want most of all, dear Santa: the truth. tell you a fact that explains the reason for our desire.

the city council of 30 September carpenedolese the left, represented by the majority and the minority of the advisor list "Carpenedolo Change," has given our group a violent attack by the mere fact of having filed a motion (passed by Pdl, Lega, Carpenedolo Center and an adviser for the majority) which reiterated the support of Mary Immaculate Primary School, which, according to Deputy Mayor and Councillor Tafelli Bresciani, should be available to accommodate a large number of foreigners to meet the difficulties of the other nurseries in the area. With regard to this matter, the Vice President Fausta Brontesi Education Commission has also suggested the reduction of the assistance granted by the kindergarten in the same case did not accept a fixed number of foreign students. As perhaps you know, dear Santa Claus, the Kindergarten Mary Immaculate has the registration system more democratic in the world: first come, including foreigners, to enroll their children! For this reason we do not understand, dear Santa, the aggression we have suffered for mere failure to agree with the proposals put forward by the left. But what hurts us most are the lies that have been said about newspapers from other leftists carpenedolese, mayors and head. Deputy Mayor Tafelli arrived far as to say that the director of Beschi majority would vote in favor of our motion because it would be wrong ... For this, dear Father, we ask that you give us for the holidays actual words NON PAROLE BUONE. Perché non è con il buonismo da quattro soldi che si risolvono i problemi, ma con il coraggio di affrontare le proprie responsabilità senza mettere la testa sotto la sabbia. Non si può addossare alla Scuola Materna Maria Immacolata il compito di risolvere i problemi derivanti dalla sconsiderata politica immigratoria voluta dalla maggioranza e avvallata anche dalla lista “Cambiare Carpenedolo”. Caro Babbo, lo sappiamo che ti stiamo chiedendo tanto, ma il nostro paese ha bisogno di tutti i tuoi sforzi. Contiamo su di te, perché con il Sindaco abbiamo ormai perso ogni speranza! Buon Santo Natale a tutti e Felice 2011!"


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