The group vice president at the Ca-Fli merely proposes the establishment of a consultation-ta 'to deal with ethical issues within the PDN, ie gay marriage, the law end of life, adoption by single , fecondazio-assisted it. " For Moroni, in short, the laws estab-lish ethics "can not be dictated to by an external politica», cioè la Chiesa. Né vale la «disciplina di partito», ma deve essere lasciata «libertà di coscien­za». Se così non sarà, la Moroni sosterrà «azioni o iniziative promosse da altri su questi temi». È una vera sfida e Luca Volontè dell’Udc le risponde duramente. Ricorda che il Pdn si ispira al popolarismo europeo. «Chiara Moroni rincorre Pannella e spara fuoco amico sul Polo della Nazione? Nel Ppe i va­lori cristiani, la dignità della persona (dal concepimento alla morte naturale), fami­glia, libertà sociale, economia sociale di mercato sono imprescindibili». Posizioni che sembrano inconciliabili. It is a minefield of issues that "label-cally sensitive" with the Catholics of iron as Casini and Binetti on one side and lay representatives of the center as Fini and other Moroni. In the past, the presi-dent of the Chamber considered too restrictive rules on the hetero-fertilization neurologists, siding with the front referendum dario (radical, secular and leftist forces) and has held the living will, described as' from state ethical. "
The PDL knows that this will be one of the first test case for the PDN. And the leader Maurizio Gasparri, announced that the House will soon open debate on euta-Nasia and living wills. They pass a few hours and you have some internal difficulties in the centrist-explode in the declarations of Moroni. ready to battle for it in PDN-"it promotes a free-discussion on ethical issues and civil rights, but gay-marriages', in accordance with democratic-left and the positions of all freedom of opinion. Carlo Giovanardi for this is clear evidence that the third prong is "a big misunderstanding is intended to put to bankruptcy." The positions 'secularist and libertarian' of-the Moroni, said Undersecretary to the Presidency, on Act 40, will bio-cal and other bioethical issues are "completely unrelated" to the government line.
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